Again, Politically Speaking

Apr 20, 2006 00:50

Again in the footsteps of kallisti, I decided to check out the “What’s Your Political Philosophy?” test. That yielded something more akin to what I would have predicted [but note the choice that scored second].

You scored as Libertarian. Libertarians believe that you have the right to live your life as you wish, without the government interfering, as long as you don’t violate the rights of others. This translates into strong protections for privacy and property rights, and a weak to non-existent social safety net.

Old School Democrat
New Democrat
Foreign Policy Hawk
Pro Business Republican
Socially Conservative Republican
What’s Your Political Philosophy?
created with
Compare that with the results that kallisti received for this quiz.

It makes me feel like a real bag of contradictions ... I don’t like governmental interference in most private affairs, but I also see places where a “government” is indispensible, such as anti-trust actions and (to some degree) a health-care system that works. I am opposed to many if not most centralized systems [perhaps the most overgrown bureaucracy I have ever seen would be the British NHS - their equivalent of Canada’s Medicare system, though both the British MOD (UK military) and DND (Canada’s military) would be close seconds], but there are occasions (e.g. a city-wide transport system) when nothing else will do the job.

As with the previous political test quoted in this journal, this one was very centered on the USA; I'm betting that a British test would come out with a rather different result. I may consider creating my own ... but that will not happen for a while - at least not until I find a more neutral terminology. [Unless you are a Canuck, would you know what an RRSP is? What about an ISA (if you are not a Brit)? If you are an American, did you “put your foot in it” in England by referring to IRAs? Hint: all of these acronyms refer to ways of saving for retirement, but the terminology changes.]

What do others think? Curious minds are keeping an ear open ...

philosophy, politics, quizzes

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