American Federal Tax Dollars at Work?

Nov 16, 2007 15:15

Someone I know well (but not on LJ) just sent me an article reference to something that quite a few Americans are spending their money on: the Creation Museum. The article itself (which aptly describes said location as a temple to a pile of horse manure) definitely deserves an award ... of some kind. There is also a large collection of photos on the Flickr website of that same place; the captions for them are equally “subversive.”

And no, I was not kidding in the title above; it would not at all surprise me if US government funds were used to pay for this temple to nonsense. That is unrelated to the money spent by the stupor-stitious dupes who visit a place like this. One can only hope that the tax revenue from the entry fees will cover the revenue shortfall. It probably will not cover the cost of people’s minds messed up by all this propaganda.

What do others think? As ever, inquiring minds want to know (but don’t bother saying that I am now destined for h-e-doublehockeysticks).


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