Ramblings from a bored mind

May 05, 2009 13:19

It is exam time at the law school again and I'm trapped in my office with little to do but hand out exams. So I figured I would give everyone an update until my brain empties.

HMC has been more out of control than ever so a new med begins this weekend. Please sacrifice a lamb or light a candle in hopes that the new one works better. Going from screaming to cuddling and back again has given me whiplash. SW needs a break before she explodes. She might go hang out at my brother's house for part of the summer, if she wants.

I applied for two library jobs plus I'm taking the library state exam this weekend. Hopefully I will have a job to replace this one before it ends. I would love something closer to home, but am more than willing to start anywhere and then transfer. I would like to not be a receptionist anymore. I am lousy at greeting people all day and I just don't care about their problems.

Comics wise, I am horribly behind and will start my yearly push to get caught up before Chicago Comic Con. May that not cause burn out like it did last year. We will be there on SATURDAY (Hi thecoddess), August 8th if anyone else is going. According to the site the convention begins in 94 days 03 hours 28 minutes and 40 seconds, so buy your tickets soon.

Book wise, I am also behind. I've also been reading more trashy romance novels than I should, but they fun, light, and mindless which is what I need right now. Sandra Hill (recommended by QC), Stephanie Laurens and Katie MacAlister (who is on LJ) have been some of my favorites. thecoddess and I went to the library book sale on Saturday and bought a paper bag full of romance novels. Good thing we had brought a wagon. I look forward to sitting outside reading my book very soon.

Tv...I love Supernatural. I gave up on Lost. I'll watch on dvd at some point. HMC and I have been watching Castle together and enjoying it. I'm getting tired of mysteries in other than book format. Too easy to figure everything out which makes me look cool since I can tell the kid who the murder is on Castle quite quickly.

Movies...I made thecoddess watch Jason Statham's Revolver on Saturday. It confused both of us but still was a great movie. I almost have a complete collection of his movies. Yes, I'm a fan.

Healthwise...Stress level is through the roof. The Hot Tub Fairy still won't visit my house. SW dropped a jar of yeast on my foot so I have an ugly bruise. Chron's has been quite under control if you ignore the vomiting episode. Luckily it wasn't in my brother's car.

Speaking of cars, my Xterra got repoed on Easter. I now drive a Jeep Grand Cherokee that is a couple of years old. It is paid for in full so I'm hoping to keep it until I can get my first flying truck. My insurance rate has gone down and it drives really nice. The speedometer goes to 140 mph, but I have no clue where to test that.

I've been trying to do better with money, but it is hard. Child support isn't coming in again, so that money has to be removed from the budget. Both kids are growing quite quickly, so they always need something replaced. The kids are cool about it. They are willing to play the video games they already own and such. They hate clothes shopping which is a bonus. As long as they get more Pokemon they are happy. I need to start doing allowance again. They are getting more independent and doing things like walking to Culvers after school to get ice cream.

My children now have a half brother which is just odd to me. It is taking some adjustment for the girls as well. They are both worried that they will see less of their father now, but we will all have to wait and see how that works out. Just odd to think there is a person running out there that is genetically close to them but not me.

I think that is enough rambling for now. Maybe more another day.

money, life, kids

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