My world is organized oddly

Nov 17, 2007 22:41

Back January 2006, I ranted about not being able to find the picture Uncle Frank drew of me called Deb the Card Babe. You won't believe how I find it, but then again most of you have seen my house.

Today I was discussing with Brother Dear if we should keep this train Ma had as a part of her Christmas Village. He, among MANY others, have been nagging me to weed my stuff so I have been working on it with the lovely assistance of thecoddess. Of course, he doesn't want to get rid of it even though we have never used it, but that is off topic. Before he came over to hang with a kid and play Guitar Heroes, I pulled out the most logical box that would have the train in. It was marked "Christmas Train" in Ma's handwriting. No train. Found the piece of art sitting on top of yet more collectible cards, terrorist bunnies, and other random stuff.

I thought people would be amused by the picture and zman923 would be sweet enough to turn it into an icon for LJ since he loves me so. So without anymore sucking up to one house hold, here's the picture...


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