May I borrow a cup of self esteem, please?

Jul 17, 2007 07:31

My job at the University is labeled a project one. That means every 18 months it has to be renewed. This round it would be. I am not upset by this. If I did any less here than I already do, I would be a potted plant. Leaving here is a good thing. I need a change. However, job searching sucks.

zman923 and I equated job interviews to first dates. You are wearing uncomfortable clothes, not search what to say, and first impressions are the only thing that counts. No wonder I live like a hermit.

Yesterday, I took this test for a job at Allstate to be a claims person. The telephone interview went very well I thought, but the computer said I didn't qualify. It felt like being dumped by a member of the Chess Club. I wasn't excited by the job, but the location would have been great. Allstate is opening an office in Cross Plains. WAY convenient.

I'm getting tired of opening my mailbox to find letters saying I didn't even get an interview for a job I'm over qualified for.

To add insult to injury, both kids are currently at Camp Grandma & Grandpa. I have the house to myself. It is great until about 2 a.m. when I get creeped out. I am 34 years old and never have lived alone for any real amount of time. It is comforting to know there is someone else in the house even if they couldn't do much in an emergency. I want one of my children or my stuffed walrus back!


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