Sep 27, 2008 10:31
So, I've been super busy with work and for that I apologize. I really do like my job, especially now that I've gotten yearbook under control. Sort of. I'm learning that in order to keep that class running smoothly, I need to give them a list of things to do, and split up the big group in order to do it.
Our school is funded by two different organizations: the New Schools Foundation, which is part of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and New Tech, which is a technology-based initiative. I like how our school is run, and I really appreciate the funding, but the problem is with getting our curriculum approved. Because all of our classes have to be honors-capacity, meaning that every class can be taken for honors credit, we can't get approved any kind of pre-algebra course, any strategic reading, or techniques of writing classes. And believe me, we need them. We have kids who can't read and write at all; they're on a fourth-grade level, in some cases. They can't do basic math. But we can't implement those courses because they're not honors. It's frustrating, because I get where we're coming from with the academic rigor thing, but it's actually hurting the students and not giving them what they need. Plus, right now we have so many seniors who have run out of math and science classes to take, and on the opposite end of the academic scale we have many students who are switching to the arts school or health science because we don't offer any AP courses at SIT. Kate and I were talking about getting certified--I'm sure I will next summer, it seems like a necessary thing--but would we have the space for a class? I can't say.
It's a weird thing to be dually frustrated about the lack of advanced classes and the lack of introductory classes at a school. I would totally take on Techniques of Writing (Sarah says it sounds like a nightmare, but I've taught it in pieces and really enjoyed it) if someone else would take yearbook. It's just that with that on my plate it's too much stress. I would prefer the writing course, or AP. Yearbook is a lot harder than it seems.