Nov 20, 2005 16:06
Scene: Eighth Grade Spanish Class
I finally got up the nerve to sit next to the hot "goth" chick. Her name was Sharlyn. After embarrasing myself highly, I finally got comfortable around her (several weeks later).
Exit: Shy Boy
Enter: Flirt
Sharlyn (now Ivy) being the girl she is, made me much more comfortable with myself and turned me into the flirtatious thing I am now. But that's not all. She let me listen to Rob Zombie. I was thusly hooked on all things rock'n'roll.
Through Ivy's influence I go to an internet forum she frequents, where I meet the coolest person of all time, Sasha.
Then, I go to Alaska on a cruise.
Enter: Kate and Liz
So, I go down to where my tour group thingy is supposed to meet, and I see a swath of bright red hair which was placed ever so coolly on a head of brown (I seem to remember that was an accident). After I finally have gotten over my shyness, I convince my family to go sit in that general area, and I see the two girls I was wanting to sit by, and I freeze.
Anyway, through what might seem a random course of events, those two have become two of best friends, whose names happen to be Elisabeth and Kathryn. Through the Katie creature I fell in love with David Bowie, and learned many pieces of useless information about rock'n'roll. And Liz, your vocabularly is too big, it confuses me sometimes. :P
So I go to a Mormon dance (of all things) and I'm like, the only guy dancing, cause Mormon guys are shy, and thereby recieve the attentions of a certain girl named Cyndi who has since confused the hell out of me and bestowed many a migraine, as well as one or two nervous breakdowns. Because I wasn't shy anymore. Thanks Ivy.
Now, several years later, all the high school lovelies have realized that I'm just a flirt and most will barely give me the time of day.
So, to wrap up, because of Ivy (and inadvertantly Rob Zombie), I've met three of my best friends, had one of the best experiences of my life, went out with a princess who turned into a witch, started a rock band, fallen in love with David Bowie, Placebo and Depeche Mode, and had a monster crush on a conniving ex-lesbian.
Thanks for all the good times Ivy.