Jun 30, 2008 23:13
Yup, write that essay in 45min. Used Wikipedia to get quotes, padded the word count, and actually came out above what i was supposed to have by half a page (150 words). It kicked ass. The essay was better than anything anyone else submitted. I might be boasting, but It's easy to know what the prof. is looking for when you not only read ALL the info you can find on the book your reading, but find the authors contemporarys and read them too! I went so far as to research the entire branch of media/linguistic theory thesis book falls into. So now as I'm rereading our assigned material for the third time through, It's easy to see where his ideas are coming from and the logical pitfalls he avoids while creating a structure and foundation for his argument. It's like reading Pushkin and Gogol, then going to Bulgovok.
Looks like this week'll be a brease. Might even look to pick up a few hours more at some place closser to school. Maybe Levit&peirce or Tuscaninis (or some coffee shop), or even maybe micro center... Well we'll see in a few.
Alright, time to peace out.