May 20, 2005 11:54
*there may be spoilers, such as how this Vader dude fits into all this...
Of the first three episodes, I groaned the least in Episode III. In fact, only two times. The first was the "I'm beautiful because I'm in love" - "I love you" and "No, I love you more" scene. The other was when Jar Jar was in the procession to view Padme's body. Yes, Jar-Jar people gonna die.
Thanks to the medium-sized Diet Coke, I had to pee when Chancellor Palpatine revealed to Anakin the ability to manipulate mitochloride (or whatever the hell they are called), so I suspect I might have missed an important point. Did I? Does this explain Anakin's supposed immaculate conception?
I did like how everything was tied up, though it would have been fun to see Yoda accompany Obi Wan to Tatooine and help him move into his new digs. With the force, I imagine getting the couch up into the mountain cave would have been easy.
After chugging a few space-beers together, Obi Wan and Yoda hug and bid each other adieu. I imagine there would be some sort of ritualistic Jedi parting of the ways where they cross light sabers or something. Maybe they use their light sabers to carve "Jedi Buddies Forevar" into the cave wall.
After Yoda takes off in his pod ship, Obi Wan contacts Qui Gong from the other side of the force. I imagine Obi Wan's first words to Qui Gong are, "So a few interesting things have happened since you went on and on about Anakin being the Chosen One."
A few more final scenes of Darth Vader getting used to his helmet, suit, and prosthetics would have satisfied my poetic justice craving. Particularly, it would have been nice seeing him sitting at his desk, mechanically breathing as he does, and then suddenly going to convulsions as he exclaims in his deep baritone voice, "ARRRRRRGH It ITCHES!!!!!!!"
It also would have been cool to see Yoda land on Degoba and build his little mud hut. After he was all settled in, he could make a hearty amphibian stew. Ending the movie with a close up of Yoda slurping on stew would have been the Miyazaki-style ending that I would have preferred. Yoda's final words before the credits would be "More salt it needs".
And this is probably why I have no future in Hollywood.