Mar 19, 2005 22:11
Or you might end up in the situation that Andre and I did this week. Here is the breakdown.
Three weeks ago Andre and I decided to buy a Dwarf Hamster just because they are cute, easy to take care of and a simple addition to our animal family. Well we bought what we thought was a Male Albino Dwarf hamster. Then the cage, and all the little hamster accessories that go along with owning one. No biggie right?
Well after the first week of owning this hamster it became mean and very hard to bring out of its cage. It would bite us and just was not wanting to be near us.
Fast forward to tonight. We were going to clean out the hamster cage just like we normally would and.... whats this?!? We find out that our Male hamster is not actually a male but was a female! How do we know this? Well we take off the top and in the nest the hamster built are 6 brand new baby hamsters. We have read up all on hamster breeding and baby care and are following them to a T but now we have to buy a new cage or two big enough for the male and female side of the family.
Weee so now instead of one hamster we now own 7!
lol was pretty funny though. We are going to PetCo tomorow to try and find out what the fuck happened.
Anyway thought you all would like this little amusement.