
Art Masterpost - spn_J2_bigbang 2023 - The Tending sen

Jun 23, 2023 14:09

Challenge: spn_j2_bigbang
Title: The Tending sen
Author: tcs1121
Art: dun
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating for art: G

Story summary:
Jared the youngest High-Born heir of the Padalecki House. They specialize in making warm fabrics and cloth for breeches and tunics. A waterwheel and woolybeasts are essential for this. Jensen is Jared's valet/slave. His Tending sen. In this society the word sen is used for an enslaved one and their names reflect that status. Drone sen wear pendants around their neck with a number because their Masse (master) wouldn't know their names anyway.
Warnings: slave fic (but no non-con or dub-con), hurt/comfort
Story link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47721721/chapters/120293845

It was great to do the art for “The Tending sen” by tcs1121. My author was super-encouraging and gave me free hands to do anything I wanted. There was so much in the story I would have wanted to draw, but in the end, like always, didn’t have the time. As tcs reminded me, ‘this is supposed to be fun’ - and it was 😊

Notes on the art:
Digitally coloured (very ‘freehand’) pencil drawings and, as before, I wish I’d been able to go for a more cohesive look. I really have a lot to learn about character design, so I covered up my shortcomings with a lot of woolybeast sheep, which I *loved* doing.

cover art

Jensen, Jared and the woolybeasts

end vignette, baby wooly looking into the future :)

dividers (the fulling mill v1/v2, woolybeasthead, whip, blue and red sweetfruit)

some sketches:

woolybeast ideas, loosely based on the breed jacob sheep

trying out designs for the Padalecki House family crest (idea for motto: 'no wool, no wealth')
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