
Art Masterpost - spn_J2_bigbang 2015 - The Debts You'll Never Pay

Jul 31, 2015 00:01

Challenge: spn_j2_bigbang
Title: The Debts You'll Never Pay
Author: clavally
Art: dun
Pairing: Castiel/Claire
Rating: NC-17 for story, G for art
Castiel convinces Claire to stay with him after Randy is killed. He quickly learns she's been plagued for years by vivid dreams of the time she was his vessel. Being possessed by an angel when she was still a child radically alters Claire's development in ways even Castiel doesn't understand. His brief possession of her leaves her depressed and longing to be filled with his grace again. At the same time, she's angry at him, blaming him for tearing apart her family. Claire tries to fill the emptiness with drugs and alcohol and Castiel makes the decision to remove some of her memories to ease the war going on inside of her. Only, deep down, her subconscious remembers and she still feels drawn to him in unexpected ways.

Warnings: Depression, drug addiction, dubcon/noncon, incest, angst, pseudo-PTSD.

Even though parts of this story were maybe a little outside my comfort zone, it was nevertheless a rewarding reading experience thanks to Clavally's superb skills as an author, and I’ve been very happy to do the art for the story. I hope I've managed to convey at least a little of what Claire goes through.

Fic on AO3

Like in my previous bigbang assignment, the art was done with pencil on paper, scanned and then coloured in photoshop (pattern brush and paper texture layer with multiply blend for the background)


Chapter header, part 1:

Chapter header, part 2:


Cas portrait / alternative header for part 1:

Claire portrait / alternative header for part 2:

Whimsical bonus pic:

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