May 26, 2004 16:53
Tuesday May 25
I wake up and go to work. Too tired, but still I go. My fingernails have reached the length where I feel a desperate compulsion to clip them. They cause me to shudder when I think of their lenth. Chills run down my spine as my nails brush along my clothes. I'm not freakish about too many things, but I'm definitely freakishly obsessive about my fingenails. Still, It's a good day work wise. Ned and Boss Darryl are in charge. I don't have to do any of the refreshes and it was nice and breezey while we set a reception outside. I get out half an hour late. Yay for extra time. Extra time means more money means the XL1s just may reach me faster!!! And yet, I didn't enjoy being at work. All day, my mind dwells on the friend I've been less than a friend to. I can't help but feel terrible for not respecting their wishes on several occassions. I ought to be more considerate, and I'm really trying to make things better, but... I screw up. A lot. And I can't get my mind off all the times I did the wrong thing. All day at work, it was "Me and My Faults" playing on the main screen at Sean's Head Cinema. *sigh*
I come home and nap some and shower some and talk on the net some. Computery type stuff ensues (LJ, email. that stuff). I watch the wonderfully great "Superman and Me" bits on the American Express website. They're so WONDERFUL. And. AND. The whole thing was filmed on the XL1s. Such nice footage too. Yay!
I play with the nieces for a while and then Alex comes over. We watch a few episodes of "Freaks and Geeks" which is a really wonderful show, though the writers seem to have trouble writing really strong endings. A little editting could improve them a lot though. Still, a wonderful show, and I've seen just about every cast memeber elsewhere. Good stuff. Julie calls from her work to tell me I need to be on "WHo Wants to Be a Millionaire?" because I know a lot of stuff. Ok. That was random. KC calls from the hospital to say that Jourdain, my newest nephew, was born. I want to see him, but haven't the gas in my car, so I'll have to wait. Given what had been haunting my thoughts all day, I hope I can be a good uncle for him and make the world he grows up in a little better than the one I grew up in. Alex leaves. I go to sleep and have such unusual dreams.