I exist!
I have been trying and failing at this "No DA, LJ, Twitter or Tegaki E until I finish Eli's Dragon" thing that I proposed to
seraravi. My problem is that my online social life IS MY ENTIRE SOCIAL LIFE, and not everybody is always on AIM and I'm too awkward to start conversations when they ARE on AIM and I like to keep up with all y'all's biness like the creepyass stalker I am and keep y'all filled in on my biness so you don't forget that I exist. So I guess I'll be around, just practicing some moderation with my 'net time WHICH I SHOULD DO ALL THE TIME ANYWAY.
Rest stops are amazing and I didn't fully realize it until this last trip to and from Arizona. You stop for maybe ten minutes to stretch your legs or rest or pee and that's it; they are the most temporary of temporary accommodations. The ultimate between place.
Hotels and gas stations have employees in them all or most of the time. You drive away from a rest stop in the middle of the desert and you might leave it completely empty of human life. How often do the people come by to maintain them?
We stopped at this one on the way back. I laid down on a concrete bench and looked at the horizon like this:
And suddenly I realized that it was a cliff face with trees and metal poles sticking out of it for people to hang from.
My new religion (or the one I've been working on for a couple of decades, or the one I had as a kid and lost as a teenager) is based on the belief that whatever I choose to believe in will be true.