Psych: Shawn's Turn. (Slash) PG [1/1]

Jul 10, 2009 13:19

Title: Shawn’s Turn [1/1]
Fandom: Psych
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing(s): Shawn/Lassiter, Gus/Juliet
Word Count: 675.
Warnings: Schmoop, giggles, language (one f-word) and mentioned slash.
Timeline/Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: Read my general disclaimer here.
Beta: The lovely lias9.
Prompt: The Farm Boy by dahlia-moon and Movie Night by andieshep.
Summary: It’s “Group Movie Night”, and it just happens to be Shawn’s turn to pick. Established Shawn/Lassiter, established Gus/Juliet.
A/N: I was reading the two above mentioned fics, and I had this idea... (GAH! I even started writing first person because of dahlia-moon! :] )
Cross Posted: To little_dumpling and psych_slash

You settle down on the couch trying not to sigh with relief as your ass sinks comfortably into the rich leather. You hear a ruckus in the kitchen but choose to ignore it, refusing to give Shawn the attention he practically begs so prettily for.

“Whose turn is it?” O’Hara’s voice cuts through a sharp sounding smack and a whined “Guuuus!” You can practically see the angry and sad emoticons Shawn would include in the story (most likely written in text form), were you on out on a case. But instead you’re here, sitting but five feet away from the bickering best friends. You can’t help but roll your eyes knowing Shawn will be complaining about that slap later, once the other two leave.

Turning so slightly to your partner, you grimace. “It’s Shawn’s turn.”

“Oh goodie! Is it really?” His excited voice is much closer than it was a minute ago. “I think I’ll pick-”

You turn quickly and scowl angrily at the fake-psychic. “We are not watching Sixteen Candles again!”

The pout that graces his face is almost too adorable for words. This makes you even angrier; Carlton Lassiter, Head Detective, does not think things are adorable.

“But Carly!” He whines and you grit your teeth. There are so many instances that make you really wonder why you put up with him. “It’s a classic! The coming of age story with forbidden romance? It almost describes our own relationship to a tee. Besides the phallic innuendos of the foreign exchange student’s name alone make watching it worthwhile.”

You roll your eyes, but find yourself suspiciously close to giving in. And you probably would if Shawn hadn’t picked this movie the last four times it was his turn. “Shawn!” You snap, unsure of why you give up your Fridays for this. “Just pick a different movie for fuck’s sake.”

By now, Gus and Juliet have taken up their usual spot, cuddling on Shawn’s love seat. You are suspiciously worried from the way they are looking at each other, knowing that if Shawn doesn’t pick a movie soon, you’re going to get a first hand viewing of that special thing Guster does with his tongue. It was something O’Hara apparently felt was worth mentioning (to your horror) on your last stake-out.

Instead you turn your head so the couple is out of your line of sight and keep up the hard glare you’re giving Shawn. After another twenty seconds of silence, he huffs and flops down on the couch beside you. “Fine, I’m not really in a Molly Ringwald mood anyways.”

You know from the smirk Shawn’s sporting that your gape must resemble a dying fish. “But I thought...” Now you’re really worried. When has Shawn ever not been in a mood for Sixteen Candles?

Suddenly, your concern gets the better of you and you’re across the couch, hand pressed worriedly to your lover’s forehead. “Are you sick?”

The snicker that answers quells your fears. “I enjoy how much you hate watching that movie, more than I enjoy watching that movie.” The giddy arrogance that your lover possesses infuriates you, but instead of yelling you return quietly to your spot, eyes straightforward.

The first thing you learned about Shawn when you began sleeping together was: silent disappointment was a harsher punishment than any amount of yelling.

“Lassie, oh come on, don’t be like that!”

Movement from the corner of your eye tells you that Guster and O’Hara are going at it by now. You’re not sure which is worse, getting an eyeful of Shawn’s kicked-puppy-dog routine, or watching your partner and your lover’s partner sucking each other’s faces off.

“Carly? Please forgive me; it was a harmless joke! Harmless! I-I’ll even let you choose the movie tonight.”

Well you had wanted to see the newest Transporter again. You’ll never tell anyone, but you don’t just like watching those movies for the car chases, explosions and cheesy fight sequences; you really do enjoy drooling over Jason Statham’s toned body... And Shawn hates those movies.

You sigh audibly, “Fine.”

< .../ficlet... >

year: 2009, character: carlton lassiter, type: slash, size: oneshot, type: het, character: juliet ohara, pairing: shawn/lassie, fandom: psych, genre: humor, character: shawn spencer, character: burton guster

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