Oct 02, 2005 23:34
woop for anberlin...anywhoos!
i didnt really start my hw until 11 but im taking the time to make a nice littlen public entry for you randomers who stroll across my journal while you stalk others [it's cool...i do the same]
all i must say is that it has been three of the best fucking days of my life honestly. here i thought aside from stef and my family no one really cared about me...and not to sound arrogant...but i realized it wasnt true...and i swear i almost started crying because of it like...6 times!
so friday was my actual birthday which i kinda forgot about because i was soooo stressed withs chool...but at school it was amazing b/c stef got me cupcakes for every class i have with her, hilary baked me a cake in the shape of 24 our favorite show, meryl and joanna went out and bought me a fuuuumaaazing cake, then lex brought more cupcakes for volleyball, and kaitlyn baked me brownies!
honestly i never thought id ever get that much for my birthday! it was psychotic...i was delirious with happiness =]
and we also won a game and we all played SOO well!! that was one of the best parts of the day..then at night it was like a massive feast at my house...we had japanese, my daddy's chinese, and panchos...i now weird mix..but it was so fun..stef was there with me...my sister bought me the most amazing cookies from north carolina, and my daddy made these asian birthday buns which are amazing...then it was present time and honestly....they were incredible....no joke...absolutely fucking orgasmic...i was like rolling around in joy...::takes moment to pciture the moment and giggle::
then SATURDAY...was the big day..the day i was planning for for the past year or so...and it all went soooooo good...i got all pampered and prettied up that day and um...for the first time in my life....i didn't feel repulsive...i felt kinda pretty? haha i dno..i just loved wearing a dress and being all glammed up...the party went amazing...i hope everyone had fun...i got alot of people to dance which made me sooooooooooooooooo happy *cough andrew and adam cough*
and this is really lame of me...but for the first time in my life i slowdanced with a boy..hahaha actually 3 boys..thats right...big pimpin! hahaha yea ok i didnt evne buy that one...but yea it was fun i danced...and the food was amazing...i got sas-liz, adam-liz time, andrew-liz time, brando-liz tmie, eric-liz time, hilary-liz time..and like everyother person i dont normally get ot spend a lot of time with...and it was so amaazing
then afterwards, stef, hannah, and isabel, and my sisters friends came back to the house and it was sooooo cool...lawrences friend jay was like..literally tossing me around the whole night and he was like..attacking me with tickles every five seconds and if you knwo me...i squealed mmajorly...hahahaha
me and isabel ended up staying up until almost 6 and woke up at 10 and weren't tired???? then everyone had crashed here last ngiht so we all woke up had breakfast..the boys watche dfootball...hannah and isabel left, we ordered more food...stef left...i passed out for two horus and i think lawrence sat on me at one point?? i dont know hahah whatever
this was amazing. i am still ridiculously delirious from all this fun this weekend. i cant thank all of you enough for being there and making my birthday so amazing. it really was the best birthday yet.