OOC log: Blob Stephen

Jul 30, 2008 07:07

Jag: Pol and blobStephen are eyeing each other.

Kiki: ... oh dear

Jag: Sort of... um. Sizing each other up?

Kiki: yup

Jag: And shaking hands...

Kiki: considering that Sol and Pol are close... sizing each other up would make sense

Jag: ... oddly, blobStephen seems to refer to Pollux by his family name. Not b y his first name.
Or by his full first name if he does at all

Kiki: to Pol? not to Justin?

Jag: To Pol.
Justin is always Warden DuMorne

Kiki: you don't feel fully 100% in the name, do you

Jag: I have no idea. *wry*
Does it feel right for Solace's husband?

Kiki: it could. I think the first time... she paid attention to him, it was a three-way meeting, and the third party was getting... well very unpleasant. To the point where Sol goes almost hissing. And he goes... "The lady asked you to... blah blah" with this perfectly even calm tone as though asking his butler for the time
don't even know if that meeting came to drawing blood (or which one - sol or stephen - drew weapon first)

Jag: Stephen carries a... a knife
I don't know if it's a dagger or a fold-out, but something small and pointy.

Kiki: when the business is dangeorus, Sol probably carries... three. Leather clothes make fine daggers rather easy to conceal

Jag: Yes
and then he apologized and asked if she was all right, still in that perfectly calm tone?

Kiki: hehe yes

Jag: And.. they went out for dinner that night

Kiki: Very probable. I wonder if they fought who to pay.
verbally argue, I mean

Jag: Yeah.
Mm. Might have

Kiki: She's... even when she's interested, she's very careful with her clients
always assuming that they know and can do things that she doesn't.

Jag: ... is he one of her clients?
Or just a business acquaintance?

Kiki: she thinks of all those she has buisness interactions with as clients
anybody she buys from or sells to, whether items or information or services

Jag: Ahh.
... I'm kind of thinking he invites her back to his hotel room

Kiki: which she would accept

Jag: And then?

Kiki: lmao and then she remains unimpressed... which he takes up as a challenge and asks for a rematch later?

Jag: Maybe not a challenge but she's intrigued.
English, I has it
*wry* He'd quite blatantly invite her back to his hotel room for sex.

Kiki: ... which reminds her of her in her youth ;)

Jag: *laughs*
I suspect he does everything coolly, and she seems like a person who he could sleep with without ... letting feelings get in the way, as it were. Who wouldn't take it as an invitation for more

Kiki: oh yes.
except that each time they challenge each other
until at one point he's relishing the challenges - and the praise/recognition about as much as the sex

Jag: (He really kind of does remind me of a less extreme Patrick Bateman)

Kiki: Anyhoo. While before I thought about it as... a normal, toned down caring marriage, now I think it could be almost like a quiet addiction to each other. each of them seeing the other as something... nobody else can give him/her

Jag: ... Which sounds like a fairly typical DuMorne marriage

Kiki: *snickers* yes it does
however, maybe a bit down on the sappy
and possibly a bit higher on the snippy

Jag: Heh
You think.. hmm.
A relationship that turns from business relations with sex on the side b ecause they're both attractive people and they both enjoy sex
To something like love?

Kiki: Something like
just about everyone who has seen Sol around Valentine's time probably knows it's not love as it was then
there's no portion of ... blindness to it, no closing one's eyes to the oddity in the other (okay, this part doesn't sound deviant for a DuMorne either)

Jag: Heh. Melting the ice king.
In her case.
Although I think if he really wanted to hurt her he'd call her damaged goods.

Kiki: except that she gets to chip at the ice casing

Jag: Yep.

Kiki: *snickers*
... now that would probably be a challenge for him
find something to call her that will offend her

Jag: *ponders* I have the feeling he might succed.
But I don't know what it would be.

Kiki: *giggles*
In order to succeed, he needs to get to know her. Feel with her a little
so even if he does, it will be a bit of a victory for her too

Jag: Yep

aim logs, stephen, ooc

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