Kiss meme: Stephen

Dec 15, 2008 03:17

Stephen LaMarck looked up from the two men across from him in his office to the sound of the door opening, surprised at the meeting interruption. There was usually enough visible from the hallway that most of his employees made sure to not disturb him when there were people with him and the door was closed. Clear signals and everything.

But his face smoothed, brightened even, when he recognized his wife, business suit and a folder in hand, walking in. Tailored suit. Make up and hair and high heels, absolutely catching the eye and holding it with each line and curve and each motion.

Quiet greeting. "Excuse me for interrupting."

"Oh, not at all," echoed by the two young, hotheaded men he was trying to get to concede some points, before him.

Her lips curved up slightly, and her eyebrows twitched up. She walked to the desk and and left the folder there, no explanation.

Then without warning, she leaned across the desk, and kissed him. At some length. He knew her body well enough to be able to imagine the business skirt - not mini, but short still - rising up against her smooth thighs as she was moving with the kiss, stretching tight across her ass, and if it wasn't for the circumstances, he would have reached a hand, down along her back, to cup that...

But he didn't.

And eventually, the kiss was over, she straightened, smirking, as he was trying to catch his breath for a moment, and walked back to the door.

Her eyes met him, playfully, and he knew his eyes might have gotten brighter with the promise of... more, later. "I'll leave you gentlemen to your work."

Stephen cleared his throat and forced his attention away from the closed door and onto his two young business... associates.

Whose heads were still turned to the door, and one was blushing a bit and the other had taken his briefcase in his lap. Definitely lacking his practice of appreciation of Solace LaMarck and needing... more time to regather his composure.

Slowly, very slightly, Stephen smirked.

Let nowhere be it said that his wife never helped with negotiations.

fic, meme, ic, stephen

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