Meme! Meme!

Dec 03, 2008 20:45

sayshisname's most awesome OOC HOLIDAY MEME ever!
This meme was written last year by a wonderful and amazing mun and I'm yanking too!

I'm going to write ficlets for Christmas. Consider it a gift from me to you. I'm not going to put this in each of my journals. Ya'll know who I write so make your requests all on this post. Fill out the information below. I will grant one or more of your requests depending on time and inspiration. If you want to borrow the meme go right ahead.

Give me up to five requests with the following information:

1. My Muse/Your Muse
2. A song, quote, one word prompt, letter prompt (if letter prompt make sure you say so) or brief description of what you'd like to see them do
3. Fluffy, Angsty, Comedy or writer's choice?
4. Rating request?
5. What timeline or universe is this set in or do you want me to choose?

Pick from any of my muses and any of your muses. Make five requests of the same pairings or mix it up. I'll pick and choose and have something written before the end of the year. I just ask that you use only one of your journals to make the requests. I'll screen comments for anyone who wants to make requests with muses that they haven't been outed for playing yet.

meme, ooc

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