20 Questions Meme

Jan 24, 2010 19:37

01. Full name: Noda Megumi
02. Best friend: Maki and Rina?
03. Sexuality: Chiaki-sexual/heterosexual
04. Favorite colour: Pink
05. Relationship status: .... not married .___. But absolutely in love with Chiaki.
06. Ideal mate: Someone who will cook and clean and take care of her and is handsome and smells nice and plays music too!!!! ... so Chiaki
07. Turn-ons: Feet, apparently :Db
08. Last sexual experience: With updated memories: when Milch grabbed her from behind orz
09. Favorite food: Natto, mayonnaise
10. Crushes: Chiaki
11. Favorite music: Anime music and children's songs, with classical music coming in third
12. Biggest fear: Being left behind, caving under immense and unreasonable pressure
13. Biggest fantasy: Being married to Chiaki-sempai and performing on the stage with him, cosplaying as Oscar and Andre!
14. Quirks in bed: Drools, kicks, probably talks in her sleep and clings to people unconsciously
15. Bad habits: .... not taking regular showers, never cleaning her messes, not practicing the piano as much as she should, eating sloppily, etc etc etc
16. Biggest regret: Right now, not paying attention to her classes in Japan and not taking a music analysis class .___.
17. Best kept secrets: Abuse!!! - emotional and one instance of physical - at the hands of her first serious piano teacher
18. Last thought: How can Nodame's piano be good again?
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: Milch grabbing her like the pervert that he is, DO NOT WANT (O >.<)=O(x___x)
20. Biggest insecurity: She'll never catch up to Chiaki's level.

01. Full name: Makino Tsukushi
02. Best friend: Yuki
03. Sexuality: Heterosexual
04. Favorite colour: Blue
05. Relationship status: Dating Domyoji
06. Ideal mate: Someone who is kind, caring, sensitive, sweet, dignified, and always does what they think is right. And yet... Domyoji. (ilu Domyoji &hearts)
07. Turn-ons: ... being nice?
08. Last sexual experience: Kissed Domyoji. Or maybe it was Ryoutarou and the mistletoe. I don't remember.
09. Favorite food: Shrimp!!!! :9
10. Crushes: None. She only has totally platonic feelings towards Hanazawa Rui now!
11. Favorite music: Doesn't listen to much music.
12. Biggest fear: Her family is thrown out on the street completely penniless, and she can't do anything about it.
13. Biggest fantasy: Being able to financially support her family. And maybe be married to Domyoji at the same time. Maybe.
14. Quirks in bed: Sleeps on her side, pretty deep-sleeper at times.
15. Bad habits: Doesn't like to depend on people if she doesn't have to, TRUSTS ALL THE WRONG PEOPLE, sometimes has a bad temper
16. Biggest regret: None, really.
17. Best kept secrets: None, really.
18. Last thought: It's too quiet... I wonder what Domyoji's doing? :|a
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: Being almost sexually assaulted by classmates after she got the F4's red card.
20. Biggest insecurity: That she'll fail her family. And that Domyoji will realize she's really not "the best girl" one day.

01. Full name: Charlotte Charles
02. Best friend: Ned, Olive
03. Sexuality: Heterosexual! But she would've been up for experimenting o/
04. Favorite colour: Yellow
05. Relationship status: Very happily involved with Ned ♥
06. Ideal mate: Someone sweet, funny, a good conversationalist, smart, witty, and has a nice smile :3
07. Turn-ons: See previous answer? And any kind of complimentary attention will pretty much get her attention, at least.
08. Last sexual experience: Some kind of prophylactic affectionate contact with Ned.
09. Favorite food: Cheese
10. Crushes: Does Ned count?
11. Favorite music: Probably a mix of waltzes and folk music. And any music that her aunts used in their synchronized swimming routines.
12. Biggest fear: That she won't ever be able to see/interact with her aunts again.
13. Biggest fantasy: Being alive and living happily with her aunts, her dad, Ned, Olive, Emerson, Digby, and Pigby - all while traveling around the world.
14. Quirks in bed: None really?
15. Bad habits: Lack of a danger sensor! Can be a little pushy and overbearing, submits to the occasional bout of selfishness, sometimes acts without considering consequences.
16. Biggest regret: That she died and has effectively "abandoned" her aunts.
17. Best kept secrets: That she's Alive Again!
18. Last thought: Where's Olive?
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience: None, really. Hasn't had much experience, outside of Ned.
20. Biggest insecurity: Not being able to look after her aunts.
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