(no subject)

Aug 12, 2004 20:42

So i haven't updated anything in awhile so here is a quick run down.

Monday was fun. April had called me Sat and said she wanted to do something monday. I called her when I got off work and when I asked her what she wanted to do she said something pretty. Drink.

The problem with this was I just got back home from work so it was close to 11:30 and I was also in Marion. I have never been in a bar in Marion. I only know of 2 bars in Marion. We went to one of them. It is a hole in the wall bar that thinks hip hop is something similar to hop scotch. It was a nice little redneck bar like the one in Blues Brothers.

The plus side of this is it is free pool night, and beer and almost everything else was rediculously cheap.

Highlights of the night were seeing some of my old friends there again.
Free pool
Intimidating somone I used to work with into buying about half of April's drinks
(side story about that)

I used to work with this guy when I was in highschool. He was a bartender at Red Lobster when I worked the kitchens. He now works with April and April is his boss. I go over and say hi to him.

Merv: (from across the barr) Tim's a little Bitch
tim looks up and sees me. I go over to where he is at
Merv: Hows it gooing?
Tim: Not bad. You?
Merv: pretty good
a few moments of chit chat later...
Tim: So you know April...
Merv: yeah
Tim: God I hate her, she is such a bitch. I have to work with her and she is always so bitchy.
Merv: (smiling pretty good) thats nice, she's my date for the night

and at this point you see this horrid look on his face. I talk a little bit more and then head back to where we were sitting. A few minutes later he comes over and starts talking with April and is all about how he does not hate her or anything and ended up ordering her a bunch of drinks and shit.

The pool table was pretty bad, holes in the felt and all, but it was well worth the amount of quarters game we payed for it.

Tonite a handful of us are going to see Alien Vs Pred at the lennox at midnight. You should all come out.

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