HOJE! uuuuhh

Jun 13, 2006 11:00

being here is so entertaining!
yesterday i ended up going to the gym com a minha mae e oh gosh. its so different pq people are SO into it and they dont ever stop even for a second during the class e i was almost fainting. tem umas 30 pessoas e todas sao good at it and they yell and jump so much. my legs were so weak.
we were walking around "running errands" e no metro e tem mtaaa gente com a camiseta do brasil.
we bought two HORNS na rua (um por 8 e outro por 3 mas ele fez por 10 haha)
we were waiting in line no ministerio waiting to get my paper stuff done e some guy walked in yelling "TODAYYY its TODAYYY"

"eh esse pessoal que trabalha aqui sao tudo folgado a gente entra e eles saem pra tomar cafezinho esses cara que trabalha no computador"  
--- homem na fila no ministerio da fazenda
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