And then they said to him STOP YOU GODFORSAKEN PLANT

Jan 06, 2005 01:54

Well I'm about 670677689675r04657607590578904768350yt5690y730976859 times better I gots to chill with wit my homegirl for a bit in Canada and get away from Michigan. NOT the people you guys rock but it was getting a tad oppressive. So I got away and fortuneatly all was well on the northern front got to enjoy Super Size Me and then went on a mad adventure for a Berger after words. Nuts. Umm what else nothing much just your classic chillage which was JUST the kind of awesome Dan needed. And now for something completely different.

agenda suicide5: so completely off topic, my lipgloss tastes like a pina colada
agenda suicide5: whoever made it was a genius
AntiChristAGoGo: GROSS penis colada
AntiChristAGoGo: sick
agenda suicide5: no no, you misread, i said PINA COLADA
AntiChristAGoGo: no its penis colada
AntiChristAGoGo: because it tastes like fruity cum
agenda suicide5: does not
AntiChristAGoGo: indeed it does
AntiChristAGoGo: like fruity monkey jizz
agenda suicide5: it most certainly does not
agenda suicide5: don't say that
AntiChristAGoGo: like Festive Horse Love Mayonaise
agenda suicide5: you're ruining it for me
agenda suicide5: cut it out
AntiChristAGoGo: haha
AntiChristAGoGo: you know its true
agenda suicide5: it totally isn't
agenda suicide5: i'm not listening
agenda suicide5: i'd like to enjoy my lipgloss without you making bad tasting references
AntiChristAGoGo: Like Celebratory Bukkake Love Bombs
agenda suicide5: why do you hate me?
AntiChristAGoGo: I just hate Pina Coloda and you're in my way
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