Feb 10, 2005 02:53
Funny story for those who follow the Diary, uh... well the one person that actually cares. Anyway. its 2 in the morning and I pull in to my driveway and go to roll up the window and go in for the night. Now "all" of you wonderful people who are still reading, know that the switches in the green monster dont always work seeing as we have spent much time and smoked many a smoke in it. Sometimes they take a good 10-25 times to make the window go up. So I go to close the drivers window and of coarse, it dont fuckin go UP!!! So its raining supposed to snow and I live in ghetowood. Needless to say having a wide open window all night is not a good thing. So guess what?? Its rewiring time. Im out there for a good long while and through a series of trials and errors have finally come up with a working setup. Are you ready for this...?? The switch on the drivers door that controls the drivers side rear door window, now controlls the drivers side front window, but its reversed as of right now. So down is up and vice is versa. Also the switch on the drivers door that controls the passenger side front window is the only way to get the passenger front window down BUT you have to use the passenger front window switch to put it back up. The back windows... well guess thats tomarrows worry. So now here it is 3 in the morning, but my windows are up and my ass will be dry tomarrow, I dunno I thought it was funny. Well I hope youve enjoyed this episode of "the mis-adventures of metal mike and his stupid life" and I ll see you next time. Untill then this is The king nigga rigga sayin, if it aint broke... then it isnt mine. Later gator.