My last day of work was thursday, and my English final was on friday. I have 3 more finals next week and then I'm off for 5 weeks. Whatever shall I do with myself?
I know going back to church is near the top of my list. Deciding whether or not I want to be confirmed is one of my resolutions for the coming year.
I've finished nearly all my Christmas shopping, though I do admit I didn't buy as many presents as usual this year. I still don't feel like it's the Christmas season. All these people boycotting Target are putting me off. In an age of an AIDs epidemic, starvation, homelessness and a million other problems, the issue of the month is saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas? We've dropped below pathetic.
I have had a couple rude shocks in the past couple weeks. The first I wrote about earlier, that being JT Snow leaving the Giants, but the second came just yesterday when I read on AP Wires that John Spencer died of a heart attack. For those of you who don't know who he is, he played Leo McGarry on the West Wing, former chief of staff and best friend to President Bartlet and current Democratic nominee for Vice President. The plot of the show is screwed, and as they've stopped showing it on anything resembling a regular basis, I wouldn't be surprised at all if it's canceled. So there you have it: my favorite baseball player of all time and my favorite television series of all time are no more.
Yet somehow, I'm happy. I love my life as it is right now and I now go through it with the feeling that things can only get better. I think a lot of it has to do with being out of high school. No more drama. No more people to put me down for whatever nonsensical reason. I've made friends and I'm succeeding, and I'm living, not simply existing. It's a wonderful feeling.
In other news, I've been reading a lot of books lately. My father was trying to be rid of some of his thousands and hence dumped a few on me when I last visited. I'm currently in the middle of 'The Prince'. Fascinating ideas but not a great holder of attention. I've also begun writing one. If I ever have it published I'll be sure to send copies to all 3 of my loyal readers.
My (former) boss asked me to run his campaign for the district 8 city council seat after Courtese is out. I laughed but couldn't help but think how cool that would be. Look great on my Georgetown ap for sure... (new dream school added to the list, btw)
Other random thoughts:
There is nothing better than running in the rain.
My hair is sexy when wet. As is kind of evident from this snap shot:
I still want to see:
Teryl's home in 20 hours! WOOT! I'm gunna get some sleep now to make that time shorter. In case I don't see you or write again before then... I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. (*GASP* I was politically incorrect just there. And I may have gotten into the Christmas spirit just a tad, oh well.)