Feb 25, 2006 11:39
This last week I was actually pretty active considering I couldn't drive. Bare with me for a second cause I am gonna take you back all the way to saturday...
On saturday I basically sat around most of the day enjoying my day off until erin offered to bring me chins leftovers. She had my favorite thing ever there and ate barely any of it and let me tell you right now when you can't drive and someone offers to bring you free food you can't pass it up! It was awesome as usual and then me and erin watched some of my favorite arrested development episodes from season 3. I think my new favorite episode might be the one where gob and michael teach their dad a leason but I still love the godzilla episode! Later me and erin went to riverhorse which was a good time. It was nice to see julia and talk alot about stuff.
On sunday I once again sat around most of the day in my pajamas which was very important to me after working 10 days out of 11 days. Later though I finally got to see walk the line with betsy which was an awesome movie. Joaquin Phoenix IS Cash. Except for one visual problem. Maureen knows what I am talking about! :) After the movie Betsy treated me to some really good martinis at jojos. For a place in the suburbs it's pretty nice actually. I owe her big time!
On monday I went back to work which sucked after having three days off but after work I went to landmark with shannon which was a good time but seriously it was dead as hell but sometimes that is nice. It is less smokey and it is easier to have a conversation.
Tuesday at landmark was the exact opposite! I went with natalie and saw a ton of people! First I saw erin and hung out with her a bit and killed terrorists. During the game I saw ashley and maria. I wasn't trying to be rude when we were talking, but its hard for me to multitask sometimes! Then I saw betsy and kate and talked to them for a while about the importance of student ids in movies. Then I had a conversation about boys with brandi and her friends which was funny cause the boy we were talking about was near by and talking to my friend. I also talked to amy for a bit. I probably saw others too but I have a bad memory as most of you know so sorry if you didn't get a shout out! It was nice to see everyone in one night!
Wednesday was natalie's bday at bbc. $1 pabst was in full effect and I lost count on how many I had. I wish natalie's friends could've stayed longer cause I rarely get to hang out with them. It was nice to meet some new people though at the bar.
Thursday I stayed in and shannon came over and we watched zoolander and it was amazing. It is funny because I had just put zoolander on my netflix list and without knowing that shannon bought it and brought it over. Too compliment the movie we drank delirium which was also amazing. I love that beer and I have decided I need to get it more often. It has a very complex flavor to it. The only problem is that it is almost impossible to pour without it having nothing but head.
Friday shannon and I had intentions of visiting becky with a stop in schaumburg but unfortunately we had a really late start and only made it to schaumburg but we need to hang out with becky really soon cause we both miss her alot! In schaumburg we found some really good deals at french connection where like half of the stuff there was 70% off. We also saw alot of cool stuff at filene's and nordstrom rack across the way. After we head home and had some really good chinese at china dragon and ventured out to planet after. It was good to see maureen and don for the first time in a long time. I think a good time was had by all and there was even some time for dancing despite getting there late. When I got home shannon went home and I passsssed out.
Now it is saturday and I have to work the whole weekend but its not so bad because at least I get to work with natalie both days. Things are going pretty good right now and I am pretty content right now and I am maintaining a positive lookout for the future.