Aug 15, 2005 11:46
So we are back from windsor and I must say it was an amazing 2 days. It was alot of fun hanging out with kris and amelinda. Overall I will say the drive wasn't that bad at all. It kinda sucked that it was raining almost the entire time and that there was some traffic but having the ipod and good people to talk to helped the time pass. The people in canada were all really nice and I thought it was funny that the area they were all calling the worst part of town was not the least bit scarey or even that rundown looking. The show was good and even though I hadn't heard much of searchingforchin prior, it was an honor to be there for their last show. It just sucked that they had to be so jerked around to do it. The wolfnote played really well too. I was also really excited to pick up some aero bars too which i hadn't found since I had been in ireland. Damn the mint one is sooo good. I still can't believe in canada lays makes a ketchup flavored potato chip. Those canadians and their ketchup. I am also told I should've had the gravy and cheese fries.
In other news less than a week until san francisco! I am so excited, you wouldn't even believe. Thanks again go to ericka for the hookup on the tickets. Combined with the deal we got on a hotel this could be one of the least expensive trips I have ever been on and we get to be there for 7 days! Plus I get paid double to not work the week from osco. I am such a dork, I already bought 3 books on the city and have been reading them cover to cover.
With all the exciting stuff going on right now, I am still down about some things. I don't know where I am at with certain people and that makes me feel uneasy. There are some very important people to me that I think sometimes don't feel like they are very important to me. To those people all I can say is it that I am sorry and I want to hang out, its just hard when I work during the time most people can hang out 5 days a week. My schedule sucks in that respect. Then there is another couple people that I have been really close to in the past and feel distant from right now because of situations. I feel paranoid that some people who used to like me, no longer do and its very upsetting because I miss things how they used to be and I don't know what to do about it.