Hey y'all. I was going to write a proper entry in here but I'm running ut of time on the library computer. Instead I present to you...
Hey Biatches!
I know you all thought I was dead - I know. I want to say sorry for being impossible to contact (as ever) Special sorry and begging for forgiveness to Becca and Liz who I haven’t spoken to at all. I promise to lick your shoes and buy you pretty things when I come home.
Well…where to start? (btw I’m sorry cause some of you will have heard some of this before - but hey I am the awesomeness so you can read it again) I guess first thing to say is I’m not in France. My contract was originally for there but on the first day of training they said they were short staffed here (Boreatton Park, Shropshire) so I just stuck here. It’s not as exotic as France but I really like it here. The countryside is beautiful (fucking hell though I didn’t know there could ever be so much GREEN in one place ;)) and it just feels like home you know?
My job is as a ‘groupie’ (I always knew I’d end up following a rock band around the country and sleeping with random men ;)) which actually translates as ‘person who runs after kids and picks up their crap and shouts at them to do stuff a lot’ It’s a hard job with bizarre hours (I work from 8ish to 9.30, then 12.00 to 2, then 5 to 8.30/9 - and sometimes the morning break as well) but I’m enjoying it. It’s nice doing something that is not stacking shelves in a fucking supermarket. I actually feel like this isn’t a waste of time, I’m interacting and using my brain all the time which is fantastic! Plus kids are so fucking funny. My three favourite exchanges so far have been:
a) The kid who was sick at breakfast perfectly into his rice krispies. It was hilarious he just leant forward and a perfect stream of purple vomit landed neatly in his bowl
b) About 3 or 4 kids have now asked if my hair is a wig. Why did you guys never tell me my hair looks like a drag queen’s 1970’s wig? :p They then pull it to ascertain if it’s actually real…that bit is not so funny.
c) I had to tell an 11 year old boy off for wanking the other week because he was keeping his roommates up at night! Can you imagine me trying to keep a straight face whilst doing that?
Whilst my job is fun (as is doing activities like archery, climbing and canoeing that I never thought I’d do in a million years) the best part of being here are undoubtedly the people I’ve met. PGL is a strange place as it is generally a pit stop of a job for people not sure what they’re doing with life. Subsequently it has a huge cross section of people and purposes. I love the mixture- I’ve learnt so much and I’ve become a lot more, I want to say open minded, I guess theoretically I was open minded already but I’ve had to put that into practice now and socialize with people I wouldn’t have necessarily spoken to back in the days of school. In that vein I present to you:
Alice’s list of people she will mention in the future so learn their names now y’all.
A little tale first before I start this list with my roommates. For the first week (after training) I was here I lived in a different room. However I had to move out because the girl I was sharing the room with (Laura) would NOT stop shagging her boyfriend whilst I was in the same room. I mean come on people I don’t want to hear that. Besides if she was having sex she WILL get pregnant and die (Mean Girls joke incorporated into my email! Go me!) By the by, my new room is fucking huge. It’s the biggest room on site. Go me again! On with my roommates…
- Eva. She was the girl living in the room before the rest of us got here. She’s…interesting. I’d heard a lot of bad things about her before we moved in (she’d had a group of kids call themselves ‘Thundercunts’ on an activity session once) but she’s actually been nothing but sweet to me and my other roomies. I wouldn’t really count her as a good friend though, we’re friendly but if I had to have a conversation with her for say an hour I think she would annoy me immensely. She reminds me of Sarah Hartley a LOT (but not nearly as mind bogglingly irritating) She tells tall tales about injuries/suicide and whores herself out to random men because she just wants people to like her. I have a lot of sympathy for her and a lot of time but I wouldn’t necessarily count her as anything above an acquaintance.
- Lindsay. She moved with me out of Laura’s so we have the no sex in the room bond going on ;) She’s from Holland so teaches me random Dutch phrases like ‘Peter Post’ (Postman Pat), ‘Bob de Bower’ (Bob the Builder), ‘neuken in de Keuken,’ (fucking in the kitchen!) She’s a sweetie. Sometimes she’s a bit too much of a forceful personality for me cause she’s very obviously an alpha female (likes flirting with the boys a lot and telling me when to be quiet in my own room) but on the whole she’s a darling. Plus she makes sure I eat properly and wear my waterproofs, she’s my Mommy Lindsay!
- Mel. Is my closest friend here in the land of PGL. She fucking rocks - you’d all like her cause she’s like me but Canadian (Rach she says aboot!), a little less saracastic and probably more insane. We just get on, we have the same interests and childish mentality…seriously we think we’re hilarious. Mel makes me smile
Then there are the other guys that live in my hostel/flat/whatever the hell else you want to call it:
- Mike. Lives next door to our room. He’s from New Zealand so has a cute accent. Mike is a funnyun’ (like an onion with an f) As a friend he’s great, funny and all that jazz. But he’s tried it on with 3 of the girls in our hostel so far and it’s increasingly apparent he’s a bit of a ladykiller. It’s funny cause with each separate girl he dates he seems so genuine but he’ll hop from one girl to the next like they’re hot meals. It makes me wonder if anything he says is actually truthful or if it’s all a front to pull the next girl. Hmmm. It’s a puzzler. Anyways I like him, he’s cool as a friend. (PS. Mike smells. We have a running joke where we try to tell each other they smell as many times a day as possible. I think I’m winning today!)
- Weegie. Is Mike’s roommate. He is a Scotsman (yay for someone who is not foreign!) and that’s all I really need to say about him because he is a stereotypical Scotsman - drunk and rowdy 95% of the time. He’s even scarier at the moment because me and Mel cut a Taxi Driver style Mohawk into his hair last week. Every other word that comes out of his mouth is either ‘fuck’ or ‘cunt’ and I love him for it. Currently I am trying to persuade him to go to hospital cause I think he has a broken toe and he won’t it get it seen to. Moron.
- Shelly, a South African girl who lives down the corridor. I so wouldn’t have spoken to Shelley at school. She is blonde, a bitch and Paris Hilton is her role model! However here I love her, she just has this manner about her that means no matter what is coming out of her mouth (usually gossip) she’s still cute and loveable. She’s very unique and forceful - there’s no one quite like Shels that’s for sure.
- Cat, the other South African who lives down the hall. Cat is one of the nicest people I know (down on the list with Becca and Maria!) she’s just so friendly to everyone and very good for a cuddle when you’re feeling down. Her and Shels are as thick as thieves, they are very entertaining as a comedy gossiping act. Cat has family in Newcastle that she is going to visit before she goes back to S. Africa so you may well meet her sometime this year. I think you’d all like her, she’d be awesome on one of our drunken nights out! You might get confused though and start calling me Cat, everyone here at PGL can’t tell me and Cat apart despite the fact we really look nothing alike. Grr.
- Linda, the Dutch girl who lives down the hall, is absolutely nothing like Shell and Cat who are her roomies (she is always telling them to be quiet when they come in from a night out) Linda is very quiet so it took me a while to get to know her but I think she’s probably my second favorite person here. She doesn’t say much but her presence is reassuring and she’s so kind. I wish I’d realized she was just shy not necessarily very quiet sooner because she is leaving in a week. (Lindsay is leaving too! All my Dutchies are abandoning me. Sob.) I’ll miss her.
So there you go, the people I live with. Mostly I hang around with those losers ;) The thing about PGL is you get to know lots of people quite well (there’s only one pub for Christs sake) but there are only a few people you’d count as friends outside of the PGL bubble. All of my actual ‘real’ friends I live with, apart from maybe a girl called Gemma who I lived with on the 2 week training course. Gemma is awesome. She has dread locked hair and actually manages to not look like a stereotypical hippy freak, which gives you a clue to her level of awesomeness. My fave memory of Gemma is when we got drunk on the last night of training and threw wet toilet roll globs (you know those horrible little balls of goop?) at everybody’s window at 3am in the morning. Ahh, fun times!
As I said above PGL is a strange little bubble, it is so removed from the real world that everyone is much less restricted than they are at home. Translation: everyone is a fucking slut (as a barometer of this - someone told me a story the other week about how someone brought crabs onto the site last year and within a month they had spread through the whole site and everyone’s bedding had to be burnt!)
I’ve managed to behave myself though. It’s a two sided coin - everyone is less inhibited here but since there are only 250 staff on site gossip goes round like a flash fire (seriously we all know who has slept with who, when they did it, what location. Hell we practically know positions!) I have had a few things on the romance front but nothing worth calling the wedding planners in for. I went out with a girl called Yvette for about a week (let me explain something here. A week in PGL time is like a month anywhere else. Mel and Mike were going out for 3 weeks but when they broke up it seemed like the end of a serious relationship because of PGL time!) and spent the majority of that time trying to get out of it because I didn’t really like her that much, she was just the best of a bad bunch. Eventually I managed to get it sorted and we are ‘just good friends’ (Mikes standard break up line) now. Then there is Tom who is the gayest of all the gaylords, but insists he is actually straight. Tom has decided to make it his mission to sleep with me because I show absolutely no sexual interest in him at all and that bugs him. Initially his constant badgering was annoying but we’re actually quite good friends now and it’s kind of become a joke between us. Bar those nothing much has happened and nobody has really caught my eye. Well that’s not 100% true, there is one girl but it is never in a million years going to happen so I’m not going to dwell on it.
I’m trying to think of other things to tell y’all. It’s hard to remember specific events because they all just blend into the fabric of life here. Things like ‘groupie cinema evening’ (Tuesday nights are cheap night at the cinema and we normally go. Pirates of the Caribbean 2 tonight. WOOT. Ah beautiful Johnny…), random dress up nights (it was 80s night last Friday. Me and Mel shook that sucker up. I looked like 1986 Madonna, fabulous of course) and bbqs and campfires are all commonplace…as is crap food and excessive drinking of rum and coke ;) There are lots of in jokes and references that are hard to explain unless you’re here. I guess it’s the same as a uni environment in a lot of ways, lots of 18-20 something year olds bonding and being stupid in a way that is ridiculously hard to explain and still make funny to anybody else. What would have been good to tell you about was the PGL ball we had in June…but to be honest I remember very little of it!
I will tell you what happened the other week that was fun. Me, Mel, Mike and Cat (who coincidentally represent 4 continents - Europe, America, Australasia and Africa. What are the chances of us all being in the same place at the same time?) took a few days off and went to Swansea for the weekend. Because we are all poor/stupid we decided not to book a hostel/hotel (well Mike whined for one all weekend because he is a big woman) and slept on the beach again. We lit a campfire at about 9 bells and all was very merry and gorgeously hot (it was the perfect beach day) until it got dark at 11 and some random charves crashed our fire. They weren’t actually that bad, apart from one girl who started throwing our bread rolls around and asking for vodka whilst eating our Doritos, but Mel and Cat (probably wisely) got freaked out and we had to move up the beach. We then settled down to go to sleep but I thought I had left Mel’s copy of ‘Rebecca’ so we had to traipse all the way back up the beach. Let me tell you it is surreal looking for a book on your pajamas on a beach in Swansea at 1am in the morning. THEN Cat had to pee in the ocean and in our tipsy states doing this with nothing on our bottom halves made perfect sense. Then Mel had to pee so I had to go in the frickin sea again. Urgh.
Finally at about 1.40 Cat and Mike fell asleep and me and Mel did the first watch. It is amazing how many drunken bums and people who want to have sex congregate on the beach in the early hours. At 3 we went to sleep and Cat and Mike did NOT do night watch because they are retards that can’t stay awake longer than 5 seconds. We all awoke the next morning when it started to rain on our sleeping bags and me and Mel promptly drank all the alcohol we hadn’t drank last night then went drunken swimming at 9am in the morning. It was an experience let me tell ya! That’s not even including the fact that Swansea has a shop called ‘The Sheep Shop,’ is that not the most fantastic sounding shop evah?
Anyways I better get going because
a) I need to catch a specific bus so that I can get into Shrewsbury on time to actually use the library internet and post this beast to you all
b) More importantly, it’s lunchtime and I’m hungry.
Things are kind of in upheaval now because Linda is long gone, Lindsay is going home to Holland tomorrow and Shels and Cat are moving into a nicer room today (abandoners!) but I’m sure the next stage of my PGL adventure will be just as fun (how can it not be when one of the guys moving into our flat is called Soapbar?!!) Hopefully I’ll manage to keep in better contact with you all over the next few months, since potentially I could be here until October now. Please comment me back if you have the time, I may not reply immediately, as I have practically no internet time, but I’d love to hear what you’re all up to you crazy biatches. xxx
Courtyard Bonding
Drinking in the hall on the first night we moved in. From left to right it's Shelley, me, Mel, Linda, Weegie, Weasel + Matt (who live int he flat next door) and Mike
Cheetah will bring the Scones
Me contemplating the sponge animal orgy I had created.
Lindsay/The Grudge
This is Linds dancing to Grease but look at that creepy face she is pulling! Hello Japanese girl from The Grudge.
Sponge animals
Linda displaying one of the amazing sponge animals Mel brought from Canada. They start off as tiny little capsules and turn in to animals when you put them in water. Wow!
Me and Holland
Lindsay, me and Linda drinking before we go to the pub.
P Night
It was P night at the pub.
Linds = Pearls
Me = Pirate
Mel = Personal Trainer
Mike = Prat
Mike Girly
I decided Mike needed some hair
I'm so hilarious
Me laughing at Mike with hair
Drunken Scotsman
Weegie in his natual environment
Jacobs Ladder
This is Jacobs Ladder, one of the activities we do here. That's Mel, Mike and Shels at the top. Check out all the flattering harness bulge!
Ball Before
Linds, Cat, Me, Eva, Shels and Mel before the ball
Ball Photie
Mel, Shels, Linda and Me getting drunk before the ball!
In the Navy!
Mel, Me and my ball date TJ. Most importantly look at TJ's hat!
Me and Mel
Drunkeness and seeing how much of my tongue we could get on one photo
Cheesy grins
Cat, Linds and Me at the ball
More Ball
Me and Yvette
We decided hanging a 7ft inflatable whale outside of our window would be fun. Boredom is a wonderful thing.
Pen Fight!
Ths is why drunk people are not allowed pens
Birmingham Bull
This is me getting close to a real hunk of a male