What's in your Wallet?

May 29, 2006 08:22

So I decided to make a new goal. I'm not gonna be negative anymore. at least I'm gonna try not to be, and I'm gonna try not to be chicken anymore and live my life like I should. So I asked a random guy out. THAT was nuts, but I rather enjoyed it. Now to go out with him... That's gonna be even scarier I think because I don't do well talking to guys, sometimes, but other times I have no problem. Heather can be a witness to that.

But when other people try to ask out the guy I'm mad crushing on for me, NOT cool. But after the fact it was rather amusing. Too bad he doesn't dance and he has other plans. But then again, if I did go with HIM I wouldn't talk AT ALL. So it's a blessing in disguise, and I'm rather relieve. Thank you scouts!

I was gonna call Shane for Heather, but I didn't know what to say.. "Hey I got a friend who thinks you're HOTT wanna go out with her on Tuesday?" Yeah, THAT wouldn't freak him out. Psh. Well, I better get going.

I just want give a shout out to or troops out there in Iraq. May God be with you!!!
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