Dec 18, 2001 21:40
Just finished most of my Christmas shoppin, i still got more People to buy for. i already spent $100 on 6 people hee hee..whoops, i have like no more money left, oh well. I stayed home today cuz i woke up late and missed the bus and then when i walked a mile back to my house no one was home, so that was cool, hehe. So i just slept the whole day then i went to the mall and saw my friend Brandon so i hung out with him and his friends Nick, Sean and Matt, it was pretty fun. I really wanna get the Nickleback cd cuz i heard another one of there songs that i really liked. anyways..i'm kinda upset about something...i almost cried in my english class yesterday was bad. but, i was happy about one thing... in tumbling class today i learned how to do a back twist flip!!! i was so proud of myself cuz i got it the second time i ever tried it!! okay well i'm gonna go i guess, later.