Jun 07, 2004 18:44
HI EVERYONE! I haven't beein on in a few days,nothing out of the ordinary,I just got thrown out of jack in the box.CVause david was throwing open ketchup and ranch packets and then went outside and smeared it all over the window and we were leaving,me brandon ashley and david,me brandon and ashley hadn't done a thing and we were yelling at david to stop.So yeah we're leaving and the mamager comes out and is all like "Hey yuou kids,don't be comming back anytime soon,don't come back to this jackand the box ever you're banned.iF YOU COME BACK i'LL CALL THE COPS"She I'm like what'd we do?" and he's all "The window," and I'm like "I didn't do anything so go ahead and call the cops i didn't do a thing!" And then we left,I was mad,and ashley and brandon were too at david,then yeah,we're allowed back now cause ashley's mom called the mamager,who's pretty rude.But yeah