Jun 10, 2005 12:24
This blog already got deleted once cause I was closing windows too quickly without reading.
Anyway we played Karma lounge with AC Cobra and Sayonara Tokyo last night. Really good turnout plus we all got paid.
The place is bizarre. I have been there before but just for DnB basic or Traffic. It is a drunk yuppie/cone-tastic place filled with peasant tops, fitted shirts and general riculousness. Oddly enough it was a great show; the stage was built right to the edge of the bar. This encouraged dancing and prancing about liek idiots. The best at this were Dancing Rene and Tim Cobra although most people at least put a leg up. Also there was a red disco ball!!! Fantastic.
The mix of people was sweet. Underage chicks, weirdo hippy stoners, cobra-groupies, Rene, Jeff Hodap, drunk Summer, FANG!!! Like i said it was a good night.
Tonight is the Malt Liquor Riot/Easy Listening show @ Club M as well as Masta Ace and Ed OG at IO.
In an unrelated note, some dude keeps posting he is broke etc etc what should he do.
I replied, "get a better job."
He then replied to this saying that he guessed that I didn't know, but he has a serious anxiety disorder blah blah blah.
I felt like telling him, I guess you didn't know this but complaining and being on myspace isn'yt the way around your mental shortcomings douche-bag.
It's fine to be mental, most of my closest friends are, and I have been accused, even diagnosed, but deal with it you whiny bitch. Do something! Go to a shrink, go to a therapist, take yoga, ride a bike, meditate, better yet do all of them. Get on disability, get on medicaid. Stop whining! Stop drinking! Who gives a fuck? Even if I care, what does it matter if a person doesn't act on anything.
Now I realize that I am cranky. Big surprise there.
I can't seem to get the stupid lj-cut working fucker I am sleepy