make your way (to me);;

Mar 15, 2015 16:32

make your way (to me)
jongdae/baekhyun // 2,491 words / r / romance
warning: grammar errors, drunk sexual interactions, language
→ baekhyun slept with his best friend.

a/n: ♫♪; not my best work, but i needed to get all those baekchen feels out of my system

„oh my god“, baekhyun moans; clinging onto the body hovering above him.

he runs his hands over the other’s sweaty back, digging his nails into the soft flesh while pulling him down. he needs more friction, needs their bodies to be closer together. “fuck, baekhyun”, the other groans into his ear and baekhyun pushes against the others movements, arches his body against him because he wants to hear that breathy voice again.

he wants to feel him rocking deeper and deeper and deeper into him.

just a little bit more.

and then his stomach flops upside down, the strange feeling in his lower body getting tighter and he fails to supress his pleased cries as he comes, spilling his release on the sheets.

another moan slips past his lips when the other pulls out after a moment and baekhyun quickly opens his eyes again to watch him removing the condom, palming and stroking himself until he comes over baekhyun’s thighs.

it’s quite the arousing sight, but then he notices the stickiness on his skin and it kind of ruins everything because he hates this feeling. baekhyun just makes a grimace and rolls out of the bed to fetch them a towel.


he wakes up feeling nauseous and sore, there’s this faint throb in the back of his head and baekhyun figures it’s probably a hangover. it could be worse though, if he’s honest.

maybe he should get up to get himself a glass of water or at least to look at his phone because he doesn’t know how late it is, he thinks, but a gross snore catches his attention and he lazily turns around in the bed just to see the person from last night lying next to him.

the other’s naked back is facing him so baekhyun supports himself on his elbow to curiously look over his shoulder. he instantly feels the tips of his ears turning red, the heat crawling through his entire face as he sees the peaceful sleeping face, long lashes against high cheekbones, the slightly swollen and red curvy-shaped lips, honey-brown hair tousled everywhere.

he’s seen the other sleep countless times before, however it’s completely different now.

baekhyun sometimes likes to bring people home after a fun night out, but this time it’s not the same as usual. this time he remembers everything, nothing’s a haze in his mind but crystal clear instead. this time the person’s not gone before he wakes up. this time he can’t blame it on the alcohol and being drunk. this time he slept with his very best friend, kim jongdae and was fully aware of it.

with a strangled sound struck in his throat baekhyun falls back into his pillows, pulling the blanket up to cover his face. “i didn’t want it to happen this way.”


“thank you for letting me stay over”, he grumpily huffs, repeating what jongdae said to him just an hour ago before hastily rushing out of baekhyun’s home after waking up and getting dressed.

he looks down into his breakfast bowl, the muesli in it already totally soaked. the spoon slides out of his grasp but he doesn’t stop staring at the mush on the table.

he’s not sure what exactly he expected to happen but yet he feels so irritated.

“what the hell…”


it’s not like baekhyun has a crush on jongdae since 6th grade.


it’s just chanyeol, jongdae and him at the lunch table, because the rest of their group had some stuff to do and no time to eat and usually baekhyun would be utterly shocked about them skipping lunch because why the fuck would you use your only free time to do more school related stuff? but this time he doesn’t really want to be there as well, he doesn’t feel like eating at all.

sitting across from jongdae is especially awkward since the other tried to behave like nothing happened the entire morning. he greeted him with his usual slap on the back, the cheeky smile but also avoided talking to him more than necessary.

it’s confusing.

“so…”, chanyeol - sitting in between of them - starts, breaking the silence as a grin stretches across his lips, “did you have an exciting weekend? everyone noticed you two making out quite fiercely at the party.” he wiggles his eyebrows at them.

baekhyun looks up at him, gritting his teeth. his cheeks are getting hot again and he thinks about just grabbing chanyeol’s head and smudging his fucking face with the food that’s on his tray as revenge for embarrassing them.

but before he can do anything jongdae’s getting up, his chair scraping across the floor noisily. he picks up his bag. “sorry, i have stuff to do. see you later”, he says and quickly gets away.

baekhyun looks after him until the other leaves the cafeteria, then lets his head drop onto the table with a sigh, tugging at strands of his brown hair in frustration. “that’s not how i wanted this to happen”, he mumbles.

“but you’re saying you wanted it to happen?”, chanyeol asks, the smirk back on again.

“argh”, he groans, “goddammit, park chanyeol, just shut up!”


baekhyun’s glad when he finally catches jongdae on the hallway, holding tightly onto his arm. “can we talk for a minute?”, he asks.

jongdae just looks at him for a second, then at down to the hands clutching his arm, his lips suddenly curving up in an unfamiliar way. “i’m in a hurry. we talk later, okay?”

he wiggles his arm free, disappearing in the crowd of students and baekhyun knows he will avoid him for at least the rest of the day.


“are you alright?”, sehun asks, actually looking up from his phone for once.

baekhyun just nods, “yeah, everything’s okay.”

“you’re grumpy all the time lately.”

“i’m not.”

“yeah, sure.”

he likes sehun more when he’s constantly staring at his phone screen, baekhyun decides.

“did something happen with jongdae?”, the younger suddenly asks and it baffles him for a second, because what would sehun know? instead of answering he only shoots him a dark glance, hoping he’d stop asking stupid questions.

but sehun just starts smiling at him. “ah, i see. that’s what happened.”


classes ended some time ago but since it is thursday baekhyun’s still waiting for jongdae in front of the school entrance. it’s been over half an hour already and he keeps staring at his phone, looking at the time and waiting for a text message.

suddenly there are footsteps and he looks up, but it’s not his best friend that hurries through the campus. “hi, joonmyun”, he calls the other student, waving at him.

“oh, baekhyun”, joonmyun says, coming over to him with a couple of books trapped under his arm. “jongdae told me you shouldn’t wait for him because he has choir practice.”

“ah.. okay. thank you.”

joonmyun smiles and leaves after biding him goodbye.

baekhyun just watches him.

there’s no choir practice on thursdays.


to: jongdae

do you think i’m stupid???

「delete 」

to: jongdae

i know there was no choir practice today

「delete 」

to: jongdae

why didn’t you show up today???

「delete 」

to: jongdae

i think we should talk about the weekend..
it’s kinda really awkward like this

「delete 」

to: jongdae

can we please go back to normal??

「delete 」

to: jongdae

this sucks

「delete 」


the thought of approaching jongdae about what happened between them in class makes him incredibly uncomfortable, because this isn’t something he wants to discuss in front of everyone. but there’s not really another choice, right?

he slaps his hands onto jongdae’s table, trying to make as much noise as possible to capture his friend’s attention. supporting his weight on his arms he leans forward, “we need to talk. right now”, he demands, trying to block out the eyes of their curious classmates watching them.

jongdae just looks at him, not saying anything.

“kim jongdae”, a voice says all of a sudden, cutting through the silent classroom. everyone looks to the door. “please come to the teacher’s office. the homeroom teacher needs to talk to you.”

baekhyun watches him standing up from his desk and the unfamiliar smile is back on his curvy lips. “later, yeah?”, he says and leaves the classroom.


the next time he won’t let jongdae get away that easily.


he’s on his way out of the school building after his club activities when he spots jongdae leaving the study hall. he opens his mouth to call him, but stops himself, watching the other crouching down to put his books away instead. it’s not that interesting to see him stuffing his tattered and overused notebook back into his bag.

but it’s interesting to observe the movement of his hands, his fingers gripping the lose papers slipping out at the edges; to watch the frown forming above his eyes because he’s rummaging around in his bag while searching for something. it’s probably his ipod, baekhyun notes, because it’s the others most important item.

he’d prefer it to just keep watching him like this, but he can’t waste this opportunity. or else they’ll never get over with this.

“hey, jongdae!”, he shouts across the hallway, ignoring that he’s disturbing the other students still sitting in the study hall.

the other looks up, abandoning his stuff for a moment to stand up again.

baekhyun rushes over to him.


“i really need to talk to you”, he puffs out, already out of breath, “about what happened.”

“okay”, his friend says slowly, not trying to avoid him this time.

instead, baekhyun notices him closing the distance between them and suddenly jongdae grabs his neck to pull him into a kiss. he’s frozen for a moment, not able to react to the feeling of lips pressing against his.

but then gently pushes him away. “i’m not looking for a fuck buddy.. or something like that.”

baekhyun can see a wave of hurt flash across jongdae’s face and he knows he fucked it up. “me too”, he says and turns around to get his bag before leaving him behind.


“fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck”, he keeps repeating, pressing his face into his pillow, “i’m so fucking stupid.” he groans in frustration, thinking hard about what he could do to set things right again. there’s no way to fix this, jongdae tried to do so and baekhyun just blew everything because he can’t think one fucking time before speaking. “why the fuck did i say that?”

he kicks his feet around like a little, sulking kid in the supermarket. “why didn’t i just return the kiss, goddammit!”


jongdae starts avoiding him completely.


with a snort baekhyun continues to observe the lunch table of the advanced chinese class. jongdae’s sitting there as well, talking and laughing since he stopped eating with them and he can feel the jealousy bubbling up in his stomach, it makes him sick.

“can’t you two just sort it out already?”, kyungsoo sighs, “you’re annoying.” sehun next to him nods in agreement, not looking up from his cell phone though but seemingly listening to the conversation.

baekhyun smashes his head against the table.


“you think there’s no way to save this?”, chanyeol asks, tongue peeking out of his mouth in concentration as he passes baekhyun’s racing car in the last minute and wins the game with the first place. “oh yes”, he hums, pumping his fist up in the air in triumph.

it’s the fifth time chanyeol’s won, even though he usually sucks at every game that differs from world of warcraft or dragon age.

baekhyun grumbles, throwing the controller across the living room. “like i said I totally blew it. it’s over.. like for real.” it sounds a bit over-dramatic, but losing his best friend kind of feels like the end of the world to him.

“you’ve been friends for so long, i’m sure you’ll sort this out”, chanyeol says and rolls down from the sofa to get baekhyun’s controller back. “let’s play another round, hm?”, he says, dropping the controller into his hands.

baekhyun stares down at them not feeling like playing video games, but then he looks up at his friend and sees the sympathetic and caring smile on his face and nods. “fine, but i’ll win this time.”


the next time he sees jongdae it’s at the library, hunched over a couple of books with the girl that’s sitting close next to him.

he doesn’t want to stare at them, so he tries to pass their table as fast as possible. “oh, isn’t that the guy you like?”, the girl suddenly chirps through the quiet room and with a puzzled look baekhyun turns back to them to see jongdae jumping out of his seat, a blush tinting his flustered face red. “don’t”, he hushes but the girl already got up and skips over to baekhyun.

baekhyun’s even more confused when the girl pulls him down into a tight hug, pressing his face into her quite huge boobs in an uncomfortable and weird angle. “i’m qixing. nice to meet you!”, she announces in heavily accented korean and he figures that she’s also from jongdae’s chinese class.

“my, my”, he hears jongdae’s voice, “if you keep doing this lu hana will probably get jealous.”

the girl, qixing, then releases him and giggles as jongdae gently drags her away.


to: jongdae
sent: 8:12pm

we need to talk
come over tmrw

from: jongdae
received: 8:29pm



the silence between them is weird and baekhyun kind of struggles with what to say, he’s not sure how to begin. so he stands up yet another time to get his friend something to drink or something, just to busy himself until he knows what exactly he wants to say.

however this time he doesn’t leave the room. “i’m sorry..”, he begins, “about what i said. i don’t know why i did it, because i actually-“

“just kiss back next time”, jongdae interrupts him, playing with the hem of his sweater in a nervous habit and baekhyun adores the faint red hinted on his cheeks. “i will”, he says and jongdae looks up, tiny smile resting on his lips.

baekhyun smiles as well. “you know… i’ve always liked you.”

“i like you too.”

happiness washes over his entire body, crawls up and down his spine and baekhyun flops down on the floor, right in front of his friend. “why didn’t you say something earlier?”

“why didn’t you?”, jongdae pouts, looking away, “even i am scared of some things. after being so close to you i was afraid that maybe you didn’t like me that way after all.”

baekhyun laughs, “you’re an idiot.”

“shut up, you’re not better.”


“thank you, lord. finally”, kyungsoo groans when they show up at lunch with their fingers intertwined the following day.

!fanfic, pairing: baekhyun/jongdae, fandom: exo

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