Things have been absolutely terrible Nintendo-wise this past week...first the name change (which I am now in full support of), then they informed us that they might be switching us to new teams (I really like my boss and team), and then they got rid of my friend Robert unjustly.
We're coming to the point where they'll have to either hire us or let us go, and unfortunately, they decided Robert had to go (despite his excellent performance). So now one of my two work brothers is gone (only Gary remains), but Heather and Tran are also still here, but we've gone from 10 in August, to 4 in May. Very troubling.
At least we've probably almost earned our red badges. I cannot wait for that...or this:
June 11th, baby.
I am willing to buy them for people early if they'd like, just let me know and I'll acquire the price information when it comes out.
Just give me a red badge, quit making me dance this dance of uncertainty.