glitter and doom

Jun 11, 2012 14:25

Just a few observations

1. Just because she didn't want you, doesn't mean all girls are into douchebags. Just because he turned you down, doesn't mean all guys are into skanks. Your personal romantic problems are not a sign of a tragic society wide flaw. And if you are consistently "unlucky in love"? It's probably you.

2. Your job does not define you. Working a high paying job doesn't mean you're better than the guy who sells you cigarettes. And working a shitty job or being poor doesn't give you carte blanche to hate  everyone wealthier than you. Oh, and if you've been fired from or quit every job you've had? Hint: it's probably you.

3. You have no right to judge someone/look down on them just because they're living a life you wouldn't want, or choosing a path you think is beneath you. Not everyone is ambitious. Not everyone wants kids. Not everyone has the same definition of success or happiness. And that's a good thing. Our differences give us the opportunity to learn from each other, everyday. And if you think everyone else in the world is a failure with nothing to teach you? Yep, once again, probably you.

Bonus! Being cynical does not make you more clever, or more worldly than anyone else. It just makes you cynical. Plenty of people have seen more, experienced more, been hurt more, and chosen to drop the adolescent version of cool in favour of openness and un-ironic enthusiasm. This does not make them weak or naive. It makes them awesome.

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