May 24, 2004 22:03
i got this from kyras live journal who got it from Ashes Xanga..... so yeah
My name is: meghan
-nicknames: crackhead
-sex: female
-birthday: july 18
-color: pink
-star sign: cancer
-place of birth: Jonesboro, Arkansas
-current residence: Union Grove, Alabama
-hair color: blonde
-eye color: blue
-height: 5'7"
-writing hand: right
-do you bite your nails: no
-can you roll your tongue: yes
-can you blow smoke rings: i dont smoke
-can you blow spit bubbles: yes
-can you cross your eyes: yeah i think so
-tattoos and where: no
-do you make your bed daily: most of the time
-what's sexiest on a guy: eyes
-what's sexiest on a girl: what?
-do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: twirl
-what utensils do you use eating pizza: my hands
-do you cook: yes
-how often do you brush your teeth: twice a day
-do you shower/bathe: yes
-how long do these showers last: like 30 minutes
-hair drying method: blow dry
-do you swear: sometimes
-do you pee in the shower: no
-what color is your bedroom: like the walls kinda off white
-do you use an alarm clock: yes
-name four things or people you're obsessed with: music, taking clothes and cutting them up and making them my own, making things, well i like other stuff but three is good enough for me
-what's your sleeping position: different ones
-what kind of bed do you like: huh?
-in hot weather do you use a blanket: yes because my mom keeps the house freezing
-do you sleepwalk: no
-how about the light on: just a small lamp
-do you fall asleep with the TV or radio: radio but i meen to do it
had sex: i havent
watched Bambi: cant remember
cried: today
talked on the phone: yesterday
read a book: well its been awhile
is music important to you: very
do you sing: when im alone
what instruments do you play: none
what do you think of Eminem: he is a rapper
in your opinion what band is the best of all time: dunno
pop music: well not really in general but some songs are quite catchy
punk music: how do u classify punk
rap music: well . . not really
hip-hop/RB: some
country: NO
jazz: dunno
classical: no
new age: dunno
hardcore: yes
indie rock: yes
emo: yes
Game: whats that
What do you notice first? face
Do you have a crush on anyone? i think some guys are pretty
Easiest to talk to: i talk to myself because i have trust issues with other people
Could you live without the computer?: probably not
What's your favorite fruit?: strawberry
Physical or emotional pain?: i dont get it
Talked on the phone: huh yeah i talk on the phone if thats what you meen
Read a book: seldom
Trust others way too easily?: i dont really trust anyone
Of times you have had your heart broken?: 0
Of hearts you have broken?: i dont think ive broken any i hope i havent
Of girls kissed?: 0
Of boys kissed?: im not a counter
of drugs taken illegally?: 0
Of tight friends?: 1 maybe 2
Of CD's owned?: a lot
Of scars on my body?: i dont know
I know: huh
I want: friends that werent so judgemental
I have: a dream
I wish: i cant tell u my wishes then they wont come true
I hate: snotty people who think that they are better than you
I miss: ....
I fear: the dark when im alone
I hear: ?
I ache: ?
I care: a lot more than people think i do
I always: ?
I dance:
I cry: when nobody's watching
I write:
I confuse: everybody
I can usually be found: home
-ARE YOU A...-
Wuss: no
Druggie: no
Gang member: no
Daydreamer: yes
Alcoholic: no
Freak: i dont think im a freak
Brat: no
Sarcastic: at times
Goody-goody: amber says that i am
Angel: no
Devil: no
Friend: yes i try to be
Shy: sometimes
Adventurous: ?
Intelligent: i am although nobody thinks that i am
Your best feature [personality]: dunno
Most annoying thing you do: dunno
Biggest mistake you've made this far: i dont know
Describe your personality in one word: i cant in one word
A smell that makes you smile: thats a really weird question
A city you'd like to visit: anywhere
A drink you order most often: diet coke i think it better then the regular
The music you prefer while alone: depends what mood im in
A TV show you watch regularly: the OC of course