as u can blantly tell, i am in a much better mood that yesterdays entry showed. im fine u guys, i really am, its not a big deal really, i just felt like gettin it all out about how i feel like im wasting life away. but i love all of u...dont think ne differently!
my day was okay...nuthin special. my birthday is soon, which im excited about, kind of. lol. i just dont want this bday to b like last years where i show up at school so excited that its my bday and everyone doesnt give a damn and is all depressed. o well....b happy ppl. ( note : i need to learn how to take my own advice. )
i cant wait till july cuz we r goin to the beach! ( july 3 - 10) yay the ocean! i cant wait! everytime we go to the beach, everyone wants to do sumthin, but i prefer to either sit by the beach or sit on the condo porch and soak in all of the nice ocean air. ahh that smell makes me relax! lets just hope this years trip wont b as weird as the last....(if i didnt tell u wat happened last year at the beach, dont ask, it was freaky! lets just say it involved an older man hittin on me. hehe)