Nov 10, 2008 03:18
I'm sick of this. I'm a fucking loser, and I know this. I was supposed to take my drivers test on Tuesday morning, but I had to cancel it, because I now have no one to take me. My mom has known about this since August and she decides to schedule a doctor appointment the same time as my test. Twenty fucking years old and no goddamn license. Seriously... What. The. Fuck. I'm so sick of Wisconsin too, for that matter. I want to fucking move away from this God forsaken state. Seattle, Baltimore, Austin, Vegas, Cincinatti, or Corvallis. I will be living in one of those cities someday. I'm also sick of being alone. I always feel like the odd one out. I actually feel uncomfortable at times. I also need some new friends in this shit town. I have damn near zero friends here. Hell, I feel like I don't have many friends at all. In fact, there is only one person I think I can call a true a friend; Brittany.
I hate all of this bullshit. It needs to end.