I was not placed upon the grass of this ever-fading earth for a standing ovation and it's romance

Jun 04, 2008 03:40

Update time, mother-effers! Everyone is done with school and have been in two for at least a few weeks. No surprise to me though, I haven't really seen or talked to them. I ran into a bunch of them at Celebrated DePere, which was nice, but completely accidental. But, what else is new..? My dad has now moved up to Rhinelander for his job. He is in Rhinelander from Monday up until Friday evenings, then spends the weekend at home. Thankfully, the company is paying for his lodging, food, and fuel, so its all legit. I don't know if I wrote this in here before, but our dog; Zoey, died about 2 months ago. We all knew it was going to happen, but it was still really sad. On the other hand, we already got a new puppy. It annoys the hell out of me. Every morning at like 6, it comes downstairs into my room and jumps on me and wakes me up... and for no reason. She just jumps on me, licks my face and goes back upstairs. She also pisses everywhere around the house. Our house reaks of dog piss. Thats no good. Really, other than that, I have nothing new to report. Oh, except the DMV screwed me out of my liscense. Fucking bastards.

So this summer, I'm hoping; emphasis on hoping, its going to kick some dick. The only thing really set and planned is Warped Tour. This year, I'm going to be much more prepared so I can enjoy myself that much better. I'm sure a whole bunch of things will come up during the next 3 months or so that'll be awesome that I'll hop on board for. But before I get too excited, I need that thing called a job, along with raping the DMV in the ass and getting my liscense. I want to lose some weight. I've said that plenty of times, but I never follow through with it. Another big thing, I want to do something with my music. I'm really sick of sitting around behind my drum kit for hours each day and having nothing to show for it. I love music, its what I know, its what I do. I need to find some people actually serious about possibly putting something together instead of waiting around for certain people. Hopefully something like that can come together as well. That would be awesome. I actually made a list of things I want to accomplish this summer, and I'm hoping I can get at least half of it done. It shouldn't be that hard, but with my ambition and motivation (or lack there of), who knows?

In the what seems to be becoming the typical whinning section of my LiveJournal, I have something to whine about. I need some more friends, seriously. Lately, I've just felt really lonely and out of place. It seems like I'm either the third wheel, the outsider, or some other name to call "the kid that doesn't belong." Its a safe bet to say that pretty much all of my friends now are considered "partiers." I am not one, and really don't enjoy going to parties all that much, because I'm usually the only sober there and I just don't feel like I belong. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against anyone going to party and doing whatever, but I just kind of miss being able to call someone up on a Friday or Saturday night to do something other than partying. Also, a good chunck of my good friends are in relationships. So, if I want to hang out with ONE of the people within the couple, I usually end up being with both. Again, nothing wrong with that, I like seeing my friends happy and what-not. Its just that sometimes when I'm with couples, I feel really lonely I guess is a way to put it. I love my friends to death and wouldn't trade them for anything, but I just feel like I need "new" freinds. I'm a guy that knows a lot of people, but has very few friends in all reality. It sucks too, because I really don't know how to make friends and stuff. Blah, whatever, I'll figure it out somehow. I should stop complaining soon.

I'm going to try to get some sleep. Goodnight folks.

-- Alex
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