Mar 14, 2008 00:19
Shit mister, I'm not having such a great life. This past weekend I was planning on taking a trip up to La Crosse to see Britt, but my plan was foiled. Man oh, man; was it ever. Tuesday night I started feeling really weird, and I figured I would just sleep it off. Well, Wednesday morning comes up and I'm feeling like a two month old bag of shit. I had the worst cold I've ever had. It just felt like somebody pummeled me with a sledgehammer for a few hours. Me, being the bad-ass that I am thought it would go away by the nights end, so I carried on my routine schedule as best as I could. It just got fucking worse by the hour. To make a long, boring story short, I didn't end up going to see Britt. I'm glad I didn't take the chance either. Saturday, I couldn't get up. I sat on the couch with medicine and a bucket by my side for roughly about 10 hours. I didn't even get up to piss, I couldn't anyway. It was horrible. You should have felt sorry for me. It started to finally fade by Tuesday morning. Now, I'm just down to an annoying cough and stuffed up nose. Somewhere in the mix I ended up losing my voice, and I'm still trying to get that back. I pretty much did nothing but watch television and movies. It was a drag. Do you feel sorry for me... yet?
Come this week, I believe most people are on Spring Break. So, I'm hoping to catch up with some people over that time and have fun and kick your ass.
As I said before though, my life in whole really isn't going very well. For some reason, I feel completely useless, worthless, and ashamed. And to an extent, its so true. Looking at my life, I am absolutely nowhere close to where I wanted to be by this time. I've done and accomplished nothing thus far in my life. It really is kind of pathetic. To top it off, lately it seems like everyone around me is mad at me for something. Right now, my mom and dad are really pissed off at me. I usually know what I did; or in most cases, didn't do. But this time, I have no idea why they're mad at me. In the past two weeks, my mom has probably said no more than 15 words to me. Shes been talking to me through my brother and sister. As for my dad, he talks to me, but every time he does, its always with an angry tone. I just get the feeling from him that he doesn't want to talk to me. Fuck man, I said that I would have my life together by now, and I'm nowhere close. Absolutely nowhere. I'm damn pathetic, and I know it... and it pisses me off. But, for some reason, I can't get off my ass and do something about it. I need to disappear.
Oh, fuck me royally. I hate typing shit like that, but I don't know how else to get it out. On the brighter side, I'm hoping to kick some cock this week. Maybe I can get some of my shit life together during that period? Probably not, but we'll see.
This was an update for the sake of updating more than anything....