Jan 05, 2007 17:01

*Read: CRAPPY NEW YEAR. another tipical SHiTTY year has gone and now another 1 comes. WELL WHO GIVES S A SHIT BECUASE itall pbbly be anothre year of TRAGEDY AND TUMULT!!11 lets revue 2006 shall we...

June 3 - Seventeen men are arrested in the Greater Toronto Area for alleged ties to a terrorist plot to blow up targets in the region. (see also: 2006 Toronto terrorism case)
oh sorry u thout this was a democrasy well guess what ... actually more like a FASHIST POLIECE STATE. just further proof that goverment is basically evil.... unfortunitly most ppl are far to BLIND to see that anarcy is the only form of freedom... THINK ABOUT IT NO GOVERMNET = NO OPRESHION... GOD ppl are fucking retarted

October 18 - Microsoft publicly releases Windows Internet Explorer 7.
more like m$.. .gee maybee insted of makeing uesless browsers all day (that are worse than FIre Fox anyways/) u should give some of ur vast wealth to STARGINV POOR POEPLE. oh wait u'd never do that because ur basically EVIL fuk u micro$oft

January 25 - Deus Caritas Est, the first encyclical of Pope Benedict XVI, is promulgated.
i dont nkow what this means

December 29 - War in Somalia: Ethiopian and Transitional government troops capture Mogadishu without resistance.
-sigh-/ whats that you were saying? raceism is gone? heh, sorry , WRONG Again

December 9 - A fire at a hospital in Moscow kills 45 people.
...and yet more blood shed. WHEN WILL WE STOP KILLING E/O?!?!?!!!??/// so much for socalled "Civillization" ....

how can we summariaze this year? Well I think as ushual Lincon Park got it right :" nothing to gain hllow and a lone and the falt is my own "

Well on that onte hear are my TOP 10 predictions for 2007. they came to me mostly in dream form therefor more acurite. Mark them down well; i will revisit them when they enevitablely (sp?) come true thruout the year.

0. "war will happen and blood will spill",
1."a bright light will be extinguished and there will be sadness",
2."the people will rise up and cast off their shackals",
3. the earth will find a strange new visitor ... that will change things
4 a strang light will appear .... forever
5 the tierant will continue hsi strangle hold on the ppl
6 teers will flo when the catastrophy strikes
7 the despot will fall to the will of JUSTISE
8. the blind man will see furthre than the seing
9. dead will rise from the grave to walk the Earth AGAIN

just wait and see... I look forward to my own vindication
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