Oct 18, 2005 19:19
Why do i do this to myself, i mean fuck! ever since i have had a dream and it was so wonderful, i knew it coulnt cum true, but i also had the thought of u can do anything, but u cant! not on ur own,no one can and u fucking ppl wont wake upto urselfs and pull ppl close and help u get nuthing for nuthing and even then u get shit quality! i give up trying to be the nice guy i m sick og giving anf smiling and wen noone is willing to put on a smile for me no one will jst pretend like i fucking do, i may be in the shitist situation but i still smaile and yes yes i m fine but as soon as i ask sumthing and the person says sumthing bad its oh i dont like them no there a bitch........................sigh
fuck u people, u have made the world a bad place and i m laughing cuz god is fucking it up for u ME AND GOD ARE LAUGHING AT YOU ALL
id jst like to take this chance to thank josh!! for being a wonderful person and the person he is fo if not for him alot of u woudl be hurting