Books read in 2009

Jan 15, 2009 22:18

Permutation city Greg Egan
New moon Stephenie Meyer
Eclipse Stephenie Meyer
Le club des philosophes amateurs [The Sunday philosophers club] Alexander Mc Call Smith
Breaking dawn Stephenie Meyer
The appeal John Grisham
World without end Ken Follett
Will there be good news? Kate Atkinson
American wife Curtis Sittenfeld
Changing planes Ursula LeGuin
La otra orilla Julio Cortazar
Cuentos Julio Cortazar
Les français aussi ont un accent Jean-François Nadeau
Getting things done David Allen
Buckingham palace gardens Anne Perry
Getting things done David Allen
Eucalyptus Murray Bail
The true story of a part time Indian Sherman Alexie
Unaccostumed earth Jhumpa Lahiri
Careless in red Elizabeth George

Amis, amants, chocolat [Friends, lovers, chocolate] Alexander McCall Smith
Essays in love Alain de Botton
Cimarron rose James Lee Burke
Getting things done David Allen
A little history of the world E.H. Gombrich
Mort à la Fenice [Death at the Fenice] Donna Leon
The brass verdict Michael Connelly
The gravedigger's daughter Joyce Carol Oates
Dissimulation de preuves [Doctored evidence] Donna Leon
The tent Margaret Atwood
The scarecrow Michael Connelly
Curious pursuits Margaret Atwood
Sépulcre [Sepulchre] Kate Mosse
Le retour des ténèbres [Nightfall] Isaac Asimov & Robert Silverberg
The given day Dennis Lehane
The fire gospel Michel Faber
The fire Katherine Neville
Three cups of tea Greg Mortenson
Le major parlait trop [A caribbean mystery] Agatha Christie
In cold blood Truman Capote

The omnivore's dilemma Michael Pollan
Les onze Pierre Michon
The terror David Andrews
The last lecture Randy Pausch
Dead until dark Charlaine Harris
Microtrends Mark Penn
In defense of food Michael Pollan
Shopaholic abroad Sophie Kinsella
Can you keep a secret Sophie Kinsella
Shopaholic ties the knot Sophie Kinsella
Shopaholic and sister Sophie Kinsella
Shopaholic and baby Sophie Kinsella
Girls in trucks Catie Crouch
Cane river Lalita Tademy
The march E.L. Doctorow
Better Atul Gawande
Complications Atul Gawande
The last lecture Randy Pausch
Dreams of my father Barack Obama
Payback Margaret Atwood

Burn marks Sara Paretsky
The audacity of hope Barack Obama
The Brooklyn follies Paul Auster
Firmin Sam Savage
Notes from a big country Bill Bryson
Wilderness tips Margaret Atwood
Olive Kitteridge Elizabeth Strout
Outliers Malcom Gladwell
The soul of black folks WE Du Bois
The women's room Marilyn French
Promise me Harlan Coben
Just one look Harlan Coben
Drop shot Harlan Coben
The magicians Lev Grossman
Cemetery dance Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
Le 5ème règne Maxime Chattam
Le pacte Holfcroft [The Holcroft covenant] Robert Ludlum
The gun seller Hugh Laurie
Le roman de Bergen : l'aube 1900 - tome 1 Gunnar Staalesen
Le roman de Bergen : l'aube 1900 - tome 2 Gunnar Staalesen

The thing around your neck Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
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