Post Wedding Post : Vow Ceremony

Jun 23, 2008 15:02

6 months anniversary post :))) Finally posting this for my friends :D Damn, where did those months go?! I was barely married and then work popped up and drove me crazy.

The vow ceremony essentially is when my father propose to my husband my hand in marriage and my husband accepting my hand in marriage. Granted that they get my permission first all signed in the application form *gloats* I <3 the permission part, hihi... There was one part during the pre-wedding prep while we were at the cleric's office that I sort of had a "scared to death" moment and the cleric kindly asks me if I had any questions or issues. LOL My face must have reflected my panic.

On to the pictures...

I woke up a few minutes before the alarm. Hey, I was the bride and I was excited. I had a few moments to myself, lying in bed thinking, "That was my last night single. I gonna be married today, wow!" I quickly showered, woke the girls up, herd them the shower and got into my vow ceremony dress. Eeeek... the mak andam arrived and she got me ready for the event. The poor lady didn't sleep since the night before since she was prepping for my wedding.

Before adding all the additional stuff taken from Geena's camera phone

After being fully loaded with scarves, veils... seriously scarves AND veils?

OMG! We will be late!!!
Everyone rushing down the steps to go to the mosque.

Everyone finally getting out of the car and the men already witing in the mosque.

Seriously, my dad rushed Cory so much so, that he left my mom standing at the gate. I quickly dialed his handphone and told him to turn back and pick up my mom. I wish I had taken a picture of her face when my dad zoomed off without her, while she was closing the gates. He so didn't want the cleric to wait :D

The men waiting for the bridal party.

Us having enough time to take one more pic...

Us finally getting inside and settling down. Geena is indespensible. She is wonderful to me :)

Cory and his best man (a neighbour's son, they did become friends through the wedding though LOL)

Alright, let's get this show on the road already!

The cleric giving an intro and reading prayers

My dad laying down the law... MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Kidding, actually he was reading the standard pre-vow ceremony advice/sermon to the bride and groom. The cleric wasn't a fluent English speaker, so my dad had to do it.

"Meepster, where was that escape route again..???"

*sighs* To be reminded of responsibilities...

The akad nikah

My dad married me to Cory by saying, "Cory, I marry you to >> full name<< with the dowry of $80, cash."
Cory accepts it by saying, "I accept the marriage of >>full name<<, with the dowry of $80 cash" in one breath. My sweetheart did it once :D Some other nervous grooms have had to repeat it again and again.


Prayers for the newly weds :)

After the wedding vows was over, Cory had to read Takliq, which is a contract of which, if he leaves me longer then a period without any contact or source of income, abuse me and a few more other things, I can divorce him for $1 through the Syariah courts. This is unique in Malaysia and it gives the women protection against being abuse since the power of divorce is in the hands of the husband. According to the sermon, this is to make sure that the husbands cherishs his wife and not take her for granted.

Signing papers

Putting the ring on my fingers :)

In our rush to leave the house I told Cory to fill the rings into the ring box, he instead heard me say "my" ring so he put my rings in it and left him wedding band at home *face palms*

The classic pose of a wife's respect for her husband (kinda to obey except I am not so sure I am good at that LOL), personally I prefer kisses ;) but you can't unless you wanna be scandalous :D We are after all in a mosque.

The classic pose of husbandly love, kissing the forehead.

OMG married!!

Family portrait

With the wedding party

Just for giggles

People can't believe that we did that in the mosque, LOL.

Macho men

Leaning on Maz for support at the small meal (kinda brunch) after the wedding right at the mosque area.

We were friends since we were 14, lol.


Don't move!! I'll untangle you...

With Az and Wanis. They were my sanity saver. Took over everything the whole day long and dealt with my mom for me XD

Making faces already... Can't remember what Cory was saying but if I was doing that... must be a lecture ;)

I was just so happy that day to be married to the best man possible :) As my dad frequently reminds me, "You so lucky to have such a wonderful person as your fiance/husband"

memories, wedding

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