A change is needed....

Oct 27, 2007 10:07

This morning at 5 am, I woke up with a stabbing pain btw my breast bone. It hurts so badly that I whimpered and moaned. Barely 5 minutes later, I woke Cory and my parents up and we headed for the emergency room. I felt every bump on the road, every touch hurts more, and it was hard to breath. Papa kept his head and got me to eat some painkillers before leaving. Thank God he did that, I don't think I could keep silent otherwise.

We registered, I got on the wheelchair and was pushed to the waiting room, saw the preliminary nurse and waited for the doctor. It felt like forever and I wanted to kill someone. Unfortunately, Cory was there and he got bitten, squeezed and beaten. Turns out it was an acute attack of gastric. Got the meds administered via IV and soon enough the pain subsided. Whew... In and out of a public/government hospital ER in 45 mins XD Glad I didn't go to the private one despite the insurance. I had wedding things to do and being hospitalized is not part of the plan.

I guess I am pretty stressed out by things. It can't be anything I eat since I've been eating normal stuff (am not even on diet sadly). My meds are pretty tame stuff so it cannot induce the gastric (I am currently under treatment for asthma). And while I was asleep I was dreaming/nightmaring about work. I actually planned to go to work today to get some stuff done before Monday. In between balancing acts of work and wedding, my stomach gave out on me.

It just pisses me off because I don't have time to baby myself :( I want to go look for wedding cards and wedding stuff this weekend. I hate to worry about the huge piles of work. Ugh, I better stop now as I can feel the mild pain back. Oh, well.

I wish sincerly that I can tell some ppl at work, "Look either lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way. You are becoming a pain and a burden to the rest of us. Get your act together."

rl, sick, work

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