Post Nikah BBQ

Sep 15, 2007 22:47

I have somehow set my heart on having one. Cause it would truly suck not to celebrate with friends after my nikah. I know ppl went to TJ's cause it's at night. At the current date that I am choosing 8 Feb 2008 (I choose that date cause I am not sure if I can have it earlier XD), it would be a Friday, and I know it's not going to be a nikah at home. My nikah will be at Masjid in the afternoon(so unromantic but practical :P~)

My reception on the other hand is set for after April. My mad work cycle (a.k.a insanity) starts in Feb and ends in April. Now which girl wants to worry about work and not enjoy her wedding? I also would prefer early wedding so we can work on Cory's visa. If Cory can graduate his religious classes earlier, even better we can nikah earlier. So for now, I am having a reception after April. I actually want to enjoy my wedding!!

So back to the topic. I need to ask you, my bands of close friends, who would come if I had the BBQ in :

1. Rawang/KL area
2. Beach like PD?
3. Langkawi where we all could party the weekend long... though not sure I want the YCCians to join me for my honeymoon -_-; Kinda ruin the mood, docha think?

Anyways option 2, would be cheapest for everyone cause you can drive over. Option 2 can also drive over but do you want to drive back that late at night? I however can't afford to pay for anyone's accomodations or transport. Ditto for Option 3.

I am having a tight budget wedding. We both will be paying for the wedding ourselves ergo not so big thing going on. Just a small BBQ for us (no need pressies lah, those are for proper reception) and a chance for me to incorporate Cory's culture into mine. He is already bending himself backwards accomodating my culture and religion, I figure it would be nice to add some of his into mine.

So, please vote on what you'd think would be most plausible thing to do... I am expecting about 20 - 30 ppl there. Small is the key. Dress code is casual, come with kain pelikat if it makes you happy. I aim for eat, drink (non-alcoholic drinks, sry) and dance. I mean, what else to do right? Board games.... hmmm... wouldn't board games be neat? Hihihihi...

wedding, rl, cory

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