
Sep 11, 2007 19:23

Cory and I have been trying to get married for 1 year already. From last year, I postponed it to this year. And from early this year, I postponed it indefinitly. The reason being my parents, our stability and my maturity.

Last Sunday, my parents had both agreed (with the condition that Cory asks formally), that we have their blessing to get married. I am shocked. It has been 2 days already but I am still in the state of shock. Now I am scambling with finding dates, places and finding out information on how to do this as soon as possible. ARGH!! And work suddenly decided to become HECTIC!

*sighs* I so want to bask in the glow of my parent's approval but right now I am too busy with work :( I want to plot and plan a nice small wedding which I will invite my closest friends. But I am just too busy!! Even this post came on today this late :(

Oh well.... You can't have it all, right?

OMG WHAT WILL I DO FOR MY WEDDING???!!! *freaks out*

Edit :

Well I know what I will do generally for the reception. My guest list are limited to about 100. I am just not sure if I should go for a BBQ party, tea reception or a formal sit down thingy. Although I like the BBQ idea, I might just host that for uber close friends after the nikah before the proper reception or maybe a an engagement thing.

Knowing my parents, the reception shall be a formal sit down thing. Then I couldn't decide btw noon or dinner. I know I am roping Mazzie's mom to help me with the decor since she did fantastic for Maz's wedding. I want to wear my dresses. However.... they are western wedding dress, not entirely appropriate for a Malay wedding despite the very white groom. but I dun wanna spend money on more clothes! I have 4 wedding dresses damnit!

How on earth am I going to lose the scars on my back in time??!! *tangent freak out moment*

Note to self : Do not post about wedding stuff and drive ppl crazy too often.

wedding, rl, parents, cory

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