HR Away Day

Jul 30, 2007 09:05

Each department in this company has an Away Day. Yes, everyone have to live with the crappy stress and loads of work. So when we can find some down-time, we just take off for a day and do something together. It bonds us together. We learn more about each other and foster better relationship. Technically :D I have learned how to work with some ppl which I would like to stab with a blunt fork. You see, when you are at work, all you see are ppl who are standing in your way to achiving your peak efficiency. Yes, I sound like a pompous ass, I am one unfortunately :( While you go out and socialize outside, you realise that they are all as human as you are, with their life every bit as imperfect as yours are.

And behold, the

The HR Girls :)

The HR team

The Dare Devil!

All in all, it was a wonderful day. I screamed a lot. Out rode everyone when it comes to the scary rides. BTW I LOVE the darn flying thing XD <3 <3 <3 Who knew? I thought, "crap I am dead this time" when we came to the flying ride thingy. I really enjoyed it and I think it's the best ride ever!!

rl, work

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