Selamat Hari Raya!!!

Oct 19, 2006 14:32

Hey peeps ^.^

I would like to wish the Hindu, Happy Celebrating Deepavali and I would like to wish the Muslims, Happy Celebrating Eid :D

This year will be a vastly different Eid for me :) I will be in the US to be with my boyfriend. We both will be celebrating this together. He will be clad in purple baju Melayu XD I am so excited over the trip.

I will be visiting Cory this weekend and I'll be home in a month's time :D

*dances around the room*


Take care everyone till I come home ^.^

Yes, I will update LJ :D Oh and I have Fotopages too XD Go here. I hope to update all the pics as they come along :D

*huggles everyone*

I am just so happy to be seeing Cory again ^.^

rl, cory

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