Thoughts to ponder over

Sep 15, 2006 18:03

I was reading this and thought to myself, "Maybe I should thank Papa for asking me to challange the religion I was born it. So that when I found faith, it would be strong and unshakeable (Insyalllah).

I grew up reading lots of stuff. I borrowed Buddhist "Sunday class" books to understand exectly what Buddhism was all about. I read about the Bible. I read up about Hindusm. My only empty spot would be the religion of Yaweh (sp) or Judism.

I guess that is why I don't feel the need to associate myself with "religious" organization of any sort. I am muslim yeah, but if anyone tell me that I will burn in hell for one thing or another, my answer is simply "We all will burn in hell, darling. The only difference is how long we stay there." Maybe that is cocky of me. I know it is :) It's a deliberate thing that I do when ppl are psudo-religious and trying to "teach" me about the "true" Islam.

Some of this ppl ("religous wannabes") can't even tell me the translation of our azan O.o And you are trying to teach me what again? The translation of Azan was taught to us repeatedly thoughout our school days. And you can't even remember that? And you want to teach me about Islam? Right..... Go back, do your homework. Learn more things about Islam then come back to me.

Back in the days when we were kids in Religious school (afternoon school), I would be picking up history of Muhammad (pbuh) etc etc to read so that I would know more about the Prophet (pbuh). I grilled all my religious teachers about what I WANTED to know. Find more and more books to read about my religion. Now how many born Muslim can say that they WANTED to know about the religion? When you accept things blindly, you tend to lose faith when you feel that what you think "should be" is not fulfilled.

That was why my father challenged to find out more about the religion. Why he made me read all those thick tomes -_-' For all his faults, he made me believe, really believed. Through thick and thin, through all the pain in my life, I have always held on to my faith. It made me grateful to all the blessings in my life. All the things that Allah had given me despite all the trials. I count my blessings because I know there is always worse off ppl then me. I guess that is what ppl who are not tried in live miss. The sense of gratitude.

Some used to tell me about how I should stop being depressed cause there are worse ppl out there, back in the dark days. All those sounded like were empty words. Words meant to "comfort" me. It never did. Constantly I questioned Allah, why me? What wrong did I do? In the end, I realised that I can either bite the bullet or roll over and die. I choose to live. I am stronger then yesterday. I hope that I can be just as strong over the years as I have not choosen the easy path.

For some reason, when I read the reasons for ppl to become "murtad" it strikes me that they had left over ignorance. I don't hold them completely responsible for their apostatacy(sp). I blame the ppl who taught them about Islam. Those unfeeling and bad@$$es who makes Allah a cruel and unforgiving god. When one of the 99 Allah's name/title is "The Merciful".

I wish the muslims out there NOT to judge other muslims. Leave the judgement to Allah SWT who knows all. Insyallah, we all will go to heaven together but if we don't at least we can share the pits of hell. Mwahahahahahahahahahaha.....

rl, religion

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